It’s already impressive when Tim Pink and his Saratoga Dog Walkers team take 15 to 20 dogs for a walk.
The dogs march behind their dog handler without pulling on the leash or stepping out of line.
How does Tim and his team do it? With a special training program.
Dog shouldn’t be left alone

Tim faced the same challenge as most dog owners. His Doberman Bluffy, still a puppy at the time, couldn’t be left alone all day while he worked.
He needed someone to take care of Bluffy. That’s when he got the idea that he could be that “someone” himself.
The idea evolved into a lucrative business. The dogs are picked up from 9 a.m. onwards. The individual packs then gather and go for a walk together.
To make this run smoothly, Tim developed a training program.
In this program, the dogs learn to remain calm in every situation, no matter what distractions arise.
Like in dog school

The program is similar to that of a dog school. The dogs have to sit and stay in place while other dogs march around them.
In a pack of 15 or 20 dogs, this is a special challenge for each individual dog.
The Saratoga Dog Walkers team relies on trust. Each dog trusts its dog handler, giving them security.
If distractions do occur, the staff tries to get the attention of the pack early.
The secret is mindfulness

Because that’s the secret: the dog must pay attention to the person at the other end of the leash, not the other way around.
Easier said than done! Commenters also recognize this.
“I have to say, this man is phenomenal,”
posts @stellashepherd3229, a dog trainer with extensive experience handling large packs of dogs.

Ultimately, it’s the sense of security that Tim Pink and his team convey to the dogs.
Only when a dog feels secure can it let go of all fears, just like the dogs in this video: