Huskies are fascinating dogs. Not only do they visually resemble their wolf ancestors, but they’ve retained much of their primal instincts. They are independent and don’t really need humans.
To manage 21 Huskies in close quarters, one must possess a truly unique talent.
Mass Breakfast

Many dog owners encounter difficulties when trying to feed more than one dog at the same time. The man in this video has 21 Huskies ranging in age from 7 months to 12 years. When they’re all hungry at once, things get lively.
He can’t place 21 bowls on the floor all at once. Therefore, he feeds the dogs in groups of three to four at a time while the others patiently wait.
It’s truly impressive to watch as the Huskies, although not entirely calm, wait relatively quietly for their owner to place the bowl in front of them.

Even then, they are not allowed to start eating immediately. They must wait for their owner’s signal. Only then do they dig into their food, and it disappears faster than you can blink.
The Secret of Discipline
The discipline of these Huskies leaves all Husky enthusiasts in speechless awe. One can only guess at the amount of work and time the owner has invested in his dogs.

In the truest sense, he keeps them as pets, at least during mealtime. Otherwise, they work as sled dogs.
Perhaps that is the secret of this well-behaved pack: these Huskies are allowed to do what they were born for – running!
Respect Is Earned
The behavior of this large group of dogs rightly commands respect from onlookers. “@jeremiesteel5580” lauds the Husky owner and praises his remarkable training skills, saying, “Hats off to you! These dogs know who the alpha and provider is.”

The praise is well-deserved. Such an obedient pack of dogs is truly extraordinary. See for yourself: