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8 Easy Ways to Keep Snakes Out of Your Yard

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I don’t mind snakes because they’re usually gentle and shy. But finding one while you’re gardening or relaxing can be a bit unsettling.

If you don’t like snakes, here are some ways to keep them out of your yard without using harmful chemicals or harsh methods.

1. Cut Off Their Food Supply

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Snakes come to your yard looking for food like mice, rats, birdseed, and fruit. Make sure your compost bin is fully sealed. If you have bird feeders, put them at the edge of your yard, away from your house.

2. Plant Lemongrass

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Planting lemongrass in your garden is an easy way to keep snakes away. They dislike the citrus smell, which also keeps mosquitoes away.

3. Use a Citrus Solution

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You can make a citrus spray by putting lemon or orange peels in a jar of water and leaving it for a day. Then, spray this around your deck and on your patio furniture to keep snakes away.

4. Keep Your Yard Clean

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Make sure your yard is clean by getting rid of weeds, sticks, and mess. These can be hiding spots for snakes. A clean yard is less likely to attract them.

5. Close Up Your House

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Stop snakes from getting inside your house by closing any gaps in your foundation, doors, and windows. Also, make sure there are no holes in window screens.

6. Make Your Own Snake Repellent

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Don’t use chemical repellents, which can be harmful. Instead, mix equal parts cinnamon oil and clove oil to make a natural snake repellent. Spray this around your home and other places where snakes might hide.

7. Use Mothballs

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Mothballs can keep snakes and bugs away. Put them around your house and porch. But keep them away from kids and pets because they’re poisonous.

8. Move Them

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If nothing else works, use humane snake traps.

Put them around your yard. When you catch a snake, take it to a wooded area away from your house.

Following these tips can help keep your yard snake-free in a safe and natural way!