“Pretty Woman” is a movie that captured hearts with its magical story and unforgettable performances. The film’s charming blend of romance, humor, and drama continues to captivate audiences, but many people don’t know about the fun and surprising stories that happened behind the scenes.
One of the most famous scenes from the movie is when Richard Gere’s character, Edward, faces his fear of heights to rescue Julia Roberts’ character, Vivian. It’s a moment that stayed with fans for years, but there’s much more to the story of how this classic film came to life.
Did you know that Richard Gere wasn’t the first choice for Edward? In fact, other actors like Charles Grodin were considered for the role. But it was Julia Roberts who pushed Richard Gere to take the part, even though he was unsure at first. In a 2015 reunion of the cast, Julia revealed how much she believed in him.
“I knew Richard was perfect for Edward from the start,” she said with a smile. “He just had to believe it too.”
And it wasn’t just Richard Gere who almost lost out on their role. Other well-known actors like Christopher Reeve, Denzel Washington, and Daniel Day-Lewis were also in the running for Edward. As for Vivian, actresses like Sarah Jessica Parker, Kristin Davis, and Sandra Bullock were considered but didn’t end up playing the role.
As the movie became a worldwide hit, many of its secrets and fun stories came to light. One of the most exciting reveals came in 2015 during a special reunion of the cast. The actors shared memories and behind-the-scenes moments that only a few had known before. These stories only added to the charm of the movie, making it even more beloved.
For fans, there’s another treat: the blooper reel! Recently released, it showed the cast laughing and joking during filming. The outtakes revealed their real personalities, making it clear that the fun wasn’t just on-screen. One of the funniest bloopers features Julia Roberts trying hard to stay serious in a tense scene.
But she couldn’t help herself and giggled, making Richard Gere burst into laughter as well. The chemistry between them was real, and this funny moment only added to the magic that made the film unforgettable.
The wardrobe for “Pretty Woman” was a mix of elegance and simplicity. One of the most famous pieces from the movie was Vivian’s stunning necklace. It cost a jaw-dropping $250,000, and to keep it safe, a jewelry store security guard watched it closely during filming.
On the other hand, Vivian’s iconic red coat was much simpler, costing only $30. The director even got it from a movie theater usher just before filming began.
But the behind-the-scenes surprises didn’t stop there. Ferrari and Porsche both turned down the chance to have their cars featured in the movie, even though it was such a big hit.
And then, there were the moments when the director needed to help Julia Roberts get into character. In one scene, the director used a funny trick to make her laugh. He tickled her feet off-camera! Julia was so nervous, though, that a vein popped on her forehead. So, to help her relax, the director lay next to her and Richard Gere, rubbing her face gently until she calmed down enough to shoot the scene.
All these hidden stories show how much effort, laughter, and teamwork went into making “Pretty Woman” the beloved classic it is today. What do you think about the movie and its secrets? Share your thoughts in the comments below!