Hilarious, no other word describes the short scene in this video better. What exactly happened is not revealed to animal lovers.
The video’s title suggests that the Bulldog has done something wrong and is apologizing to their owner.
However, it could also be something entirely different that the dog is trying to express with their heartwarming gesture.
Guilty or not?

The video’s title suggests that the Bulldog chewed up a shoe, and his owner is scolding the dog.
The Bulldog apologizes with a gaze that melts hearts. To fully appease his owner, he gently place his paw on her arm.
The owner struggles not to burst into laughter, as she doesn’t want to hurt the Bulldog’s feelings.
The big guessing game begins

The Bulldog’s expression doesn’t necessarily have to be interpreted as guilt. It could also be described as longing.
The dog might want to be petted, and the paw gesture supports this interpretation.
Another possibility, as suggested by a commentator, is that the owner says something to the dog, and the dog is contemplating what she might mean, leading to a sudden revelation.
All of these interpretations are possible. The fact remains that we cannot read a dog’s mind.
Dogs and humans don’t speak the same language, even though dog owners are often confident in their ability to understand what their dog is thinking.
Many people talk to their dogs all day long and interpret their looks and gestures based on what they would like to hear as a response.
Even more assumptions

The commentators feel the same way. Many have their own take on what the bulldog’s look and gesture mean.
“He didn’t apologize, he’s begging for another shoe”,
even @andybowlin2385 suspects.
Want to join in the puzzle? Then watch the video: