Human height is individual, and even twins rarely have exactly the same size. Animals are no exception, and finding identical sizes among them is nearly impossible.
In this video, the body size of a dog plays a significant role, and just one look is enough to evoke sheer amazement.
Beloved Four-Legged Friend
It’s immediately evident: the girl loves her dog to bits. She cuddles with him on the sofa and doesn’t want to let him go.
Without a doubt, he’s an adult. No, he’s not. It becomes clear that the already quite large dog is just a puppy.
At three months old, the four-legged friend has a considerable size that many adult dogs don’t achieve.

I Keep Growing
As life unfolds, time passes, and the sweet puppy continues to grow.
This is to be expected because at three months, he can’t possibly be fully grown, even though it might seem that way.
Excitement builds because what comes next will be surprising. But before that, there’s another round of affectionate cuddling.

Like the Couch
“Go to your dog bed” is probably one of the commands this dog will never comply with.
Simply because there won’t be a bed big enough for him. Even the couch seems to barely withstand his physical demands, and this is at six months.
It’s true: His loving owner has hardly any space left on the sofa, but she doesn’t mind. She loves her dog, and the two seem inseparable.
One thing is certain: This special furry friend not only has a large body but also an enormously big heart.

“Irish Wolfhounds are always huge, but this one is gigantic,”
kariflores accurately identifies the breed and adds this observation to the comments.
Take a look yourself to see just how big this dog really is.