One Christmas, I had to leave my future in-laws’ place early. Why? Because my fiancé gave me a present that totally shocked me—and not in a good way. Picture this: I had saved for months to buy him a PS5, something he really wanted!
Here’s the scoop: I work as a hairstylist and make less than my fiancé, who’s a pediatrician. But I didn’t let that stop me. With some hard work and a little help from a relative (who even charged me extra!), I got him the PS5.
My Future Husband Didn’t Seem to Try at All
Jump to Christmas, and it’s time to exchange gifts. Everyone’s watching as he gives me my gift. And what do I find? A pack of toothpicks. His sister couldn’t stop laughing and even filmed the whole thing. “Do you like it, or should I give it to my niece?” he joked. I was so embarrassed. I ran to the bathroom to cry and hide from the laughter.
Then, surprise! He comes knocking, saying it was just a prank, and blamed his younger sister for the idea. But the damage was done. We ended up having a huge fight in front of his whole family, and I decided I had enough and left to spend the rest of Christmas with my mom.
The Aftermath
His mom blamed me for ruining the Christmas mood, but my mom stood up for me like a hero. The next day, my fiancé came over with a “real” gift and said sorry, still blaming his sister. But honestly, I was still upset.
People on the Internet Share Their Reactions
I posted my story on Reddit to see what others thought. The support was incredible. “I would have left too. And maybe rethink the engagement,” one person commented. Another said, “He and his family are mean. You definitely made the right choice.”