Mufasa, a mountain lion, spent 20 years chained up at the back of a circus truck.
Living in a cramped cage filled with rusty circus stuff wasn’t the life he deserved.
He looked smaller and skinnier than other mountain lions, showing the sad effects of his captivity in his eyes.
Wild animals are banned from circuses in Peru, and Mufasa’s captors obviously violated those laws.

Keeping wild animals in circuses is against the law in Peru, but Mufasa’s captors didn’t follow those rules. They traveled from village to village with Mufasa chained up, putting on their circus show.
But one day, wildlife officials raided the circus, and Animal Defenders International (ADI) came to save Mufasa. They received a tip about the circus keeping a wild animal captive and rushed to the scene.
Animal Defenders International (ADI) was there to set Mufasa free during the operation.

It wasn’t easy to free Mufasa. There was a long standoff between the circus and the officials.
But finally, they succeeded.
ADI captured the moment when they cut off Mufasa’s chains, and he felt free for the first time in years.

They took Mufasa to a forest in Peru for his well-deserved retirement.
It was a long journey, but seeing Mufasa explore his new home was magical.
ADI asked for donations to help care for Mufasa, who had suffered so much in captivity.

Sadly, Mufasa passed away a few months later. His medical checkups showed that he had kidney failure and other health problems from his time in the circus. But even though his freedom was short-lived, ADI believes it was better than never experiencing freedom at all.
Let’s remember Mufasa’s story and share it with others to raise awareness about the importance of protecting wild animals. Watch his rescue in the video below, and please share his story with your friends and family.
Watch Mufasa’s rescue in the video below.
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