With their calm temperament and agility, the Continental Bulldog will also win your heart in a flash. The relatively young dog breed from Switzerland comes very close to the original type of the Bulldog and impresses with a consistently friendly and open nature.
History of the Continental Bulldog
The Continental Bulldog is among the younger dog breeds. Originally, the goal was to breed a medium-sized Bulldog. This was to be achieved through crosses with English Bulldogs and Old English Bulldogs.
It quickly became apparent that a new breed was emerging, which almost completely corresponds to the original type of the Bulldog. Under the breed designation Continental Bulldog, the new form of the Bulldog quickly found supporters, and the number of breeders of the young breed is gradually increasing.
Breed Overview
GROUP: Working
HEIGHT: 15 to 19 inches
WEIGHT: 48 to 66 pounds
COAT: shorthair
COAT COLOR: all colors accompanied by black nose; solid, streaked or combined with white
LIFE SPAN: 10 to 12 years
TEMPERAMENT: friendly, open, attentive, self-confident, loyal
ORIGIN: Switzerland
Nature and Character
With a robust stature and a confident demeanor, the Continental Bulldog captivates Bulldog enthusiasts from around the world. However, common prejudices against Bulldogs must be clearly contradicted, as the Continental Bulldog breed proves through its nature and solid character. With a Continental Bulldog, you have a loyal and lovable companion by your side.
The animals are extremely attentive, friendly, and approach people openly. Aggression is foreign to the nature of the Continental Bulldog. Rather, the purebred dog proves to be particularly family-friendly with good training and can be described as calm and undemanding. Also advantageous is its willingness to learn and interact, which are present not only in Continental Bulldog puppies but also into old age.

Acquisition of a Continental Bulldog?
If the Continental Bulldog excites you and you are considering getting a faithful companion, then you must also be ready to take responsibility for 12 years or more. Whether in a single household or as a family pet, a Continental Bulldog always cuts a fine figure with good training.
Even though the dogs of the breed are rather calm companions, you should be able to devote sufficient time, as the Continental Bulldog is also an active dog who requires loving training, attention, and shared activities to feel comfortable. All in all, the purebred dogs are still undemanding and generally adapt easily.

What should I consider when buying?
If you decide to purchase a Continental Bulldog, you should specifically look for a registered Continental Bulldog breeder and contact the breeder. Visit the breeder and pay attention not only to the Continental Bulldog puppies but also to the behavior and health of the parent animals.
It should also be ensured that the puppies grow up in a family environment and are thus socialized. In addition to the pedigree, a reputable breeder will also provide you with the veterinary records of the puppies and parent animals. You should also be prepared to answer the breeder’s questions because reputable breeders do not indiscriminately give away their puppies but ensure that the dogs go to good hands.
You should also be prepared to ask questions during the conversation. If you are not fixed on a puppy, you can also give a home to a Continental Bulldog in need. A Continental Bulldog from a shelter will be just as loyal a friend and companion after a short adjustment period and will clearly show you its gratitude.
Development and training of the puppy
The Continental Bulldog is an adorable dog, but it relies on good socialization and training. Continental Bulldog puppies should already be socialized and learn basic rules at the breeder’s. In general, the four-legged animals with their dreamy gaze are extremely teachable and eager to learn, so with a loving and consistent education, you will quickly see success.
However, the Continental Bulldog also tends to be stubborn at times and can be quite willful, which you should take with humor. In general, animals of the breed are teachable and obedient, but they are not purely obedient receivers of commands. Especially due to the size and strength of the Continental Bulldog, good training is important so that the animals can also be perceived as lovable family dogs by outsiders.

How do I keep a Continental Bulldog?
With its calm nature, the Continental Bulldog presents itself as an easy-to-care-for and undemanding roommate. It can be kept indoors without any problems, but a house with a garden would be ideal for the nature-loving quadruped, who enjoys movement but also likes to doze in the sun and feel the wind on its snout.
Thanks to its good-naturedness and openness, the Continental Bulldog also proves to be an affectionate family dog that copes very well in both single and multi-generational households and wins hearts in a flash. The Bulldog generally gets along well with other pets.
Activities with the Continental Bulldog
As an active dog, the Continental Bulldog loves extensive walks, also enjoys romping around the garden, and loves to play. However, representatives of the breed are not athletes. Their strength lies more in social interaction, and they enjoy getting attention and interacting with “their” people. Especially on hot days, activities should be kept moderate, and the dog should always have access to a cool spot and fresh water.
Health and Care
As it is a relatively young dog breed, no specific diseases are known so far. Nevertheless, you should plan regular visits to the veterinarian. Health prevention is crucial for a long and healthy dog life. This includes feeding high-quality food with a high meat content.
Generally, Continental Bulldogs are good eaters and not picky, so you should also keep an eye on their weight. In addition to high-quality food, the quadrupeds also enjoy occasionally indulging in a meaty beef bone. They also appreciate a raw food diet (BARF), but you should thoroughly research this diet beforehand and also seek advice from an experienced veterinarian.
In terms of grooming, the Continental Bulldog proves to be an easy-to-care-for companion. Occasional brushing is generally sufficient. However, it is advisable to really brush regularly, as this not only benefits the coat but also enhances the bond, and it is clear that the Bulldog enjoys the extra cuddles.
Interesting and Worth Knowing
Unlike the English Bulldog, the Continental Bulldog does not have health problems, as the young breed is not affected by overbreeding. Since 2005, the breed has been officially recognized by the Swiss Canine Society.
The goal of a healthy bulldog has been achieved, and today the Continental Bulldog is a well-established dog breed with controlled breeding at a high standard.
Do you also have a Continental Bulldog or plan to get one in the future? Tell us in the comments what makes the breed so special!