The story begins on a cold winter night when there is nothing better than providing warmth. The animal-loving couple, Beth and Michael Clark, take blankets to an animal shelter to give lonely dogs a feeling of warmth and comfort.
But on this night, there is more than just good intentions; this night leads them to an unexpected companion. A friend who receives a lot of love and gives just as much love in return.
Rocky Finds a New Home
It’s December, and the two are at the Anne Arundel County Animal Shelter to make their contribution. But as they turn to leave, they see a sad-looking dog with lowered eyes. His name is Rocky, and he is 17 years old.
They immediately feel that he is something special and just can’t leave him behind.
Deeply moved by the sight of Rocky, Beth turns to her husband, Michael, and says:
“We’re taking him home.”
The gray-haired, slender dog shouldn’t spend his life in a cage.
With Rocky in their lives, the couple feels complete. He shares their joy and gives them a deep sense of fulfillment.
They dance together, sit in the sun, and even though climbing stairs and going for walks become increasingly difficult for Rocky, Michael doesn’t give up. Every night, he carries Rocky into the bedroom to give him the closeness he loves so much, as reported by theanimalclub.
Robin Catlett, head of the Anne Arundel County Animal Control, praises families like the Clarks. She says that more and more families are finding the courage to adopt older dogs.
It takes special people who are willing to open their hearts and homes to an animal that may only accompany them for a short time.
A New Family Member Is Announced
The surprise is great when Beth learns that she is pregnant. She is overjoyed, and Rocky seems to share her joy by treating her more gently. He becomes an important support for the expectant mother.
They even have a pregnancy photoshoot with Rocky and a sign that says,
“Mom and Dad are bringing me a human!”
But the joy is marred when Rocky’s health deteriorates. They learn that he may have a tumor. When Beth and Michael bring their little daughter home, Rocky looks at her lovingly.
But his strength is fading, and the couple knows it’s time to say goodbye.
Beth recalls that painful moment:
“I called a vet, and on the same evening, he peacefully fell asleep surrounded by his family.”
They believe that Rocky had been waiting for this moment to meet his new human sister.
This story shows the deep bond our animal companions have with their loved ones.