No one likes to hear that their favorite treats have been devoured by someone else. Even the despairing dog in arguably the most popular animal video since the dawn of the internet is no exception. With over 200 million views, the owner of this poor four-legged friend has truly struck gold!
Images for the Funny Bone

Let’s admit it, this video is simply hilarious. In just over a minute, the images manage to capture the hearts of millions. And the funny bone isn’t spared either.
The main character is a gray-brown mottled dog with big brown eyes that look so innocent and yet expectant.
However, the huge success of the video lies in the creative voice-over commentary of the dog owner. He crafts a scenario with which just about every pet owner can identify.
Food, food, food

The video begins with a quite ordinary conversation that a dog and owner typically have at the end of an evening. Through the voice-over commentary, the man behind the camera puts words in his beloved four-legged friend’s mouth. The result is outrageously funny!
The topic, of course, is food. Because what does a dog prefer more than devouring treats?
“Food ā you know, I just couldn’t stop thinking about it,” the owner initiates the conversation.
The response is met with wild tail-wagging and a hopeful: “Yeah.”

In a high pitch that starkly contrasts with the deep voice of the man, making everything even funnier. The man continues, telling his extremely expectant friend that he devoured the special bacon all alone!

The dog responds with an extensive yawn, which his owner interprets as a cry of despair.
The drama continues

The owner continues to tease his dog, boasting about other treats he has withheld from him.

But the climax is the last delicacy that the owner pretends to have fed to the cat: “Chicken with cheese that I covered in cat treats.”

Now, the four-legged friend seems completely desperate, and from his wide-open mouth emerges (thanks to Daddy’s brilliant video editing) a final, utterly forlorn scream.

No wonder the video continues to amuse users time and time again. This conversation between owner and dog is simply delicious to watch!