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A dog is drowning in a raging river, and everyone just stands by – But then this brave man takes action

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Most people would likely answer “very much” when asked how much they like dogs.

However, would these same people jump into icy waters to save a dog from drowning? The answer is questionable, as this video unfortunately proves.

Dog in dire need

The dog in this video is at risk of drowning. The four-legged companion was beaten by teenagers and had no other way to save itself than to jump into a raging river.

Source: bradnolanz – YouTube

Now the dog is no longer able to escape the strong currents. The promenade around the water is full of people.

Even though many individuals witness the dog and its fight for survival, no one comes to its rescue.

Source: bradnolanz – YouTube

The dog is scared, agitated, and at the end of its strength. With horror, the people around watch the dog drowning.

A heroic birthday boy

A man is celebrating his birthday on the promenade and can’t just stand by. He organizes a life jacket and jumps into the cold waters.

Source: bradnolanz – YouTube

As soon as the man reaches the dog, he realizes that the furry friend is also afraid of him and tries to bite him.

The dog bites the man on the hand and in the face with its sharp teeth. Nevertheless, the rescuer grabs the dog’s fur and slowly pulls it to the shore.

Source: bradnolanz – YouTube

This man is a true hero. He doesn’t look away when everyone else does, and he recognizes that the dog’s aggressive behavior stems from its fear and panic.

Praise and encouragement from the internet

Viewers on YouTube are appalled that no one helps the dog and everyone just watches. They enthusiastically praise the man’s efforts.

User r4p1d270 comments on the video:

“That will give him a better feeling than any party he has ever had for his birthday. Good for helping when no one else did.”

Viewer ob1kenobjunior208 is also impressed and writes:

“I hope the rest of his birthday went well. Anyone willing to die on the day they were born is a legend.”

If you want to see this dramatic rescue in action, feel free to watch the video!

Source: bradnolanz – YouTube

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