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Dog Training: Teaching the “Drop It!” Command

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If you want to teach your dog the “Drop It!” command, it’s best to start during playtime. This command is crucial because you should be able to make your dog drop anything it shouldn’t carry or eat at any time.

If your four-legged friend finds something potentially dangerous, like poison bait or retrieves an item that isn’t a dog toy, the “Drop It!” command can be a lifesaver. Here’s how to teach it to your dog.

Teaching the “Drop It!” Command: Preparation

It’s ideal to teach your furry friend this command when they are still a puppy. While adult dogs can learn new things, it becomes much more challenging for them to understand what you want from them. When teaching your dog something new, it’s easiest to convey the lesson during playtime.

For training this command, take a ball or another dog toy that your dog enjoys carrying in its mouth outside. Don’t forget to have a few treats for rewards. The treats should be more enticing to your dog than its toy. Start playing normally with your dog, ensuring that it associates releasing its toy with the command “Drop It” and an immediate reward.

Making it Work Playfully

Your dog can easily be distracted from its toy with treats. If your furry friend is currently holding its toy in its mouth, take the treats out of your pocket – once your dog notices them, it will likely drop its toy to focus on the treats.

At the same moment it drops the toy, say “Drop It!” and reward your dog with a treat. This way, it learns that it’s worth it to release its “prey” upon hearing this specific signal. It will take several repetitions before your dog understands what “Drop It!” means and willingly drops what it has in its mouth on command. Repeat the exercise by saying “Drop It!” and rewarding your dog enthusiastically upon success.

How Long and How Often to Train the “Drop It!” Command?

At the beginning, a few minutes of training per session are sufficient. Train multiple times a day. This keeps your furry friend focused, enjoying the learning process, and not losing interest. Gradually increase the training time. Always stop while your dog is still excited. After all, it should be rewarding for your dog to follow the “Drop It!” command. If it has to continue practicing when its receptiveness is depleted, it won’t work.

Summary: Teaching Your Dog the “Drop It!” Command

Here are the key tips on how to teach your dog the “Drop It!” command:

  • Start training in the puppy stage.
  • Approach it playfully.
  • It must be rewarding for your dog to drop its “prey” on “Drop It!”
  • Multiple short training sessions are better than a few long ones.

The “Drop It!” command is crucial for your dog, especially concerning poison bait. In the following video, dog trainer Daniel Strothe explains how he taught his four-legged friends to drop items on command that could be dangerous to the animals:

Source: YouTube – Zak George’s Dog Training

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