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Dog Training: Teaching the “Pull!” Command

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Does your dog love to help you around the house and enjoy learning new things? Then the command “Pull” is just right for him. With this command, he can not only assist you in hanging the laundry but also help with undressing if needed.

The usefulness of the “Pull” command becomes evident, especially in moments when a person is handicapped, whether temporarily or permanently. In such cases, your dog can be a real lifesaver. For instance, if you can’t use your hand or arm properly after an accident, your furry friend can literally lend you a helping paw. Or maybe he just enjoys helping you – in that case, both sides benefit from this special dog training. But how do you best teach your dog the “Pull” command?

Preparing for the First “Pull” Exercises

Choose a location with a soft surface for training, where nothing can rattle or clatter if possible. Otherwise, your dog might be startled during the initial attempts and lose interest in continuing. You can easily teach your dog the “Pull” command using his favorite toy. Additionally, you’ll need an object your dog will later pull, like a basket or a crate. However, ensure that the object matches the size of your furry friend. Small dogs should start with something lighter, like a water bottle. To make the training work, you’ll also need a rope. Attach one end of the rope to the toy and the other end to the object your dog will pull. Now you can start the exercise.

Giving the Command at the Right Time

As soon as your dog approaches his toy and takes it into his mouth, give the command “Pull” – even if the object doesn’t move or only moves slightly. If the object has moved a few centimeters, you can praise your dog. Repeat this exercise until your dog understands the principle, and slowly increase the distance he must cover with his toy in his mouth. In the beginning, you can accompany your dog and, if necessary, pull on the rope a little for support.

Practice Makes Perfect

Over time, your loyal companion will internalize the “Pull” command to the point where he no longer needs his toy as motivation. Instead, you can give the command “Pull” and point to the object your dog should pull – and your dog will obey. But remember: He won’t learn all of this in one day. Practice with him in several short sessions.

Unforeseen Possibilities Open Up

Once your dog has mastered the “Pull” command, you can integrate him into household activities. For example, attach a rope to a drawer and give the command “Pull.” Then you can help yourself without lifting a finger. Or give the command and point to pieces of laundry drying on the line: With some practice, your dog will pull the clothes off the line. If your dog is particularly clever, he can even help you undress if you have a broken arm or leg. For example, he can pull on the pant leg or sweater sleeve, making it easier for you to “slip out” of the clothing. But never forget: Praise your helper with a generous pat after a job well done.

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