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Dogs with Curls: How adorable are these Dog Breeds

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Whether curly-coated or lightly curled: dogs with curls look extremely cute. For many of these dog breeds, the curly fur has a very practical background.

Some animals have silky curls, while others have fur that appears more matte. Due to the dense undercoat, dogs with curly coats feel very soft when petted.

Convenient for dog owners is that many curly-haired dogs shed significantly less, and some breeds hardly shed at all. As a result, they also trigger fewer allergies in people. However, the beautiful fur structure also requires special attention:

Coat care is extremely important for dogs with curls.

The dog’s coat should be brushed regularly to daily, as otherwise, the hair can quickly become tangled, or dirt and pests can become embedded in the curly wool. However, one should not overdo it to maintain the “oil-fat balance” in the fur! In the wild, dogs would groom their fur themselves, for example, by “rolling” in the grass on their back or playing in the undergrowth.

This dog guide has compiled seven cute dog breeds with curls.

Dogs with Curls
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The Bichon Frisé is one of the small dog breeds with curls. Typically, the dense, curly, and silky fur is white, contrasting with the small black button eyes and the black snout. However, there are also variants with cream-colored, light brown, or apricot-colored fur.

Although it is an independent dog and can sometimes be stubborn, the curly whirlwind is considered a very teachable, obedient dog breed. At the same time, it is a little sensitive cuddle ball that loves to snuggle with its owner. With a great play instinct and moderate activity level, it provides action but does not require extremely long walks.

That’s why the name says it all: Frisé means curly or fluffy in French.

Dogs with Curls
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Water dogs usually have dark, curly fur, but there are also breeds with light colors or multicolored fur. They are named for their use in waterwork as tracking or retrieving dogs, partly even today. The special fur benefits the dogs in this regard: Not only does the dense curl keep the water off the skin, but also a slightly oily film that naturally covers each hair. This way, they stay warm in cold water for a longer time and quickly dry on land.

The following are curly breeds of water dogs:

  • American Water Spaniel
  • Barbet
  • Portuguese Water Dog
  • Irish Water Spaniel
  • Lagotto Romagnolo
  • Spanish Water Dog
  • Wetterhoun

Source: Freepik

Poodles are probably the most well-known dog breed with curls. iHugDogs has already reported on this special dog breed, which is known not least for its sometimes extravagant hairstyles.

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This dog with curls stands out due to its particularly curious appearance, which is mainly due to the strong growth on the forehead and snout, making the head shape of this breed appear unusual. The head has a pear shape due to the skull shape and the strong hair growth on the top. The curly tufts of hair at the ear tips are also extraordinary. Most specimens of this breed have blue-gray fur.

In terms of temperament, this terrier type is rather calm and gentle, although it is generally very agile and athletic and can both run fast and swim well.

If you are considering this curly dog breed, you should provide ample exercise, if not dog sports, for the new pet.

Dogs with Curls
Source: Freepik

Most people associate Retrievers with smooth, short fur, but there is a variant with curly fur: Curly-Coated Retrievers. This breed includes Newfoundland, Irish Water Spaniel, and Poodle. Like Golden or Labrador Retrievers, they are popular family dogs because they have a playful and friendly nature and love fetch games. However, they are also somewhat dominant, attentive good guard dogs, and have a lot of energy. Therefore, a confident education and a lot of exercise should be provided for the curly dog.

The dense curly fur is black or brown and, like most dogs with curls, ensures that they make a good appearance in the water and do not get cold so quickly – which is a good thing because:

This curly dog breed loves to frolic in the water!

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Not only does the name immediately reveal what is behind this dog breed, it can also be recognized: Labrador and Poodle. More precisely, it is a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Standard Poodle, although not yet a recognized dog breed, but well on its way.

The hybrid dog combines numerous great qualities of the two original breeds: The cute, curly dog is very friendly, loyal, playful, and enjoys long walks or dog sports.

Dogs with Curls
Source: Freepik

The Bouvier, originating from Belgium, is a muscular, vigilant herding dog with pronounced protective behavior but not known for aggressiveness. Rather, this curly dog is a friendly and usually balanced family dog, which can become very affectionate and likes to focus on a person or alpha animal.

On the body, it carries somewhat rough, curly curls, silky, wavy hair on the snout and above the eyes, which grows longer. The cute curled tail completes the look of this curly dog.

As with all dogs with curls, this breed also requires a lot of care to keep the fur beautiful and the skin underneath healthy.

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