Breed profiles are guidelines – no more and no less.
German Shepherd Rocky demonstrates this particularly impressively. This breed doesn’t have the reputation for producing the friendliest dogs.
But with this deed, Rocky proves everyone wrong.
No Hasty Conclusions
Our human brains prefer to stick to an accepted opinion so that they don’t have to reevaluate constantly.
Unfortunately, this all too understandable “laziness” often leads to prejudices.
Every living being deserves a chance to be seen for its individual character.

In fact, good-natured Rocky proves that aggressiveness towards other animals or humans is not firmly embedded in the character of German Shepherds. On the contrary! With the right upbringing and training, even a somewhat assertive German Shepherd can transform into a social pet.

A Puppy with Great Curiosity and Many Friends

From a young age, Rocky is a little internet star.
His owner captures the first steps of his protegé and even dedicates him a YouTube channel.

The world accompanies him during his first bath, encounters with other animals, and countless other adventures.
It becomes clear: Rocky has a natural curiosity and is always interested in making new friends from a tender age.
Whether rabbits, cats, or chickens – Rocky makes no distinctions!

This “training” of early socialization now pays off multiple times – and brings us a video that can’t help but put a huge smile on our faces.
Too Much Cuteness!

The large Rocky enters a room where five small puppies are wildly wagging their tails, romping around on a sofa.

And what does the German Shepherd do in the face of so many tiny wiggling beings?
He gently sniffs each one with his nose – almost like a father.

Then, he briefly withdraws, only to immerse himself again in the cuteness of the scene.
The puppies are more than curious, giving the comparatively huge companion tender baby kisses.
Throughout the entire time of mutual sniffing, Rocky doesn’t show a single hint of aggression. Only pure love and curiosity speak from him.
Here is a German Shepherd breaking the common stereotypes in front of the camera!