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How to Teach Your Dog the “Close the Door” Trick

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Who is this trick for?

The trick “Close the Door” is suitable for many dogs and can prove to be extremely useful in everyday life. The age of the dog plays a less significant role; instead, they should be physically fit and healthy. Even a senior dog can enjoy learning this trick. It is an ideal entry-level trick for beginners as it is easy to learn and does not require enormous physical endurance. However, some physical effort is required, so the size and constitution of the dog should match the corresponding door.

How do I teach my dog to close the door?

Dogs learn best in a relaxed atmosphere. Therefore, ensure a calm environment. To avoid distractions, family members or other pets should preferably not be present.

This trick can be effectively taught using a clicker because it is neutral in tone and allows for precise confirmation of the dog’s behavior. The right timing is crucial for success in dog training.

Step 1

First, consider how your dog should close the door. It could use its paw or its nose, for example. To avoid door scratches, the latter option is better, so we will describe that below. For this, a target is required. The dog should later touch this target with its nose. A Post-It works wonderfully for this purpose. Hold it calmly in your hand. Confirm every small approach your dog makes toward the sticky note. Once it understands that it should touch the note with its nose, you can move on to the next step.

Step 2

Now, stick the note to the door at a reachable height for your dog. Motivate it to touch the sticky note with its nose in this position. Repeat this until your dog understands the exercise. Gradually progress. Keep the door slightly ajar at the beginning. Your dog should not be startled when the door moves upon contact.

If your dog now nudges the sticky note with its nose, the slightly opened door will already move a bit. Once your furry friend reliably exhibits this behavior, you can introduce a signal. Choose a word that is easy to remember but does not commonly appear in your everyday speech.

Step 3

After several repetitions, your dog will understand what your verbal signal means. Now you can begin to phase out the sticky note: Gradually reduce the size of the paper until it disappears completely. Also, you can open the door a little further each time. Practice step by step, gradually closing the door more until it works completely.

Step 4

In the final step, increase the distance to the door. This way, your dog learns to perform the trick from a greater distance. Practice with your dog gradually, allowing it to succeed in the exercise.


Training tricks can not only be a lot of fun and positively influence the human-dog relationship but also mentally engage our dogs very well. Therefore, train in small but regular sessions.

If you and your dog are having a bad day, it’s better to postpone the training to another day. After all, it should be enjoyable and not a chore.

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