When my only son got married, I invited him and his wife to move in with me. My house is spacious, and I live alone, so it made sense. My daughter-in-law, Meredith, was thrilled with the idea.
Fast forward four years and they now have three children. Meredith recently told me that the house is “too crowded” and with another baby on the way, they need my room for the new baby.
She even arranged for me to move into a small studio apartment nearby and offered to pay the rent.
I refused to leave my home. My son then revealed, “Mom, we’ve felt uncomfortable all this time because we haven’t had the privacy a new couple needs.”
I stood my ground and said, “This has been my house for the past 43 years, and I won’t leave it.” But my son replied, “If you don’t move out now, Mom, we will, and you won’t see your grandkids anymore.”
I’m devastated and feel like my world is falling apart. What should I do?
34 thoughts on “I’m Being Thrown Out of My Own House by My DIL”
Tell them to have a wonderful life play there game
That’s exactly what I would do also. WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE???? It’s your home and if he felt this way then he should have already moved his wife elsewhere.
But apparently it wasn’t that at all because they are expecting baby number what 3 or 4 .
Trying to make you feel bad but turn the tables on them they will need a sitter on day .
My thoughts exactly.
Looks like they’ve had plenty of privacy 4 x kids !! Tell them to enjoy there new home I’m sure once they see how much you do and love you bring and them for them and the children they’ll soon change their minds if not their loss You can always vist children in hospitals donate your time at the local schools library etc I would NEVER move out under any circumstances especially when they are using their children to hurt you and to change your mind So nasty !! They don’t deserve you
I have a daughter who is self-centered and thinks she knows more than anyone else. She will get angry with me to the point of hanging up the phone, but you know what? It doesn’t stop her from dropping the grandkids off outside for free babysitting almost every day. They may say you won’t see your grandkids, but when they add up the cost of housing utilities, and child care for 4 kids, they will be begging you to babysit for the kids.
Tell them.yo get the hell out of your home! They have some nerve!! Get them gone. Not your fault they didn’t have enough privacy to make 3… 4 babies. They are a disgrace!
tell them good bye
Let them move ,they are ungrateful,you deserve better🙏
Buh bye Boyo!!! You and your Family forgot whose home this is!!!! Once they are gone put it in a will the house is to be sold and profits to be donated to any said charity!!!!
How ungrateful……and they would be hurting their kids also. I’d tell them you would miss seeing your grandkids, but that if that’s what they choose, then you’ll live with it.
I would tell them I’m not moving your a guest I invited you to live with me and if you needed an extra bedroom then you need to move. And oh by the way if you don’t want me to see my grandkids that’s fine but don’t call on me when you can’t find a babysetter.
Tell them to pound sand, they think they can find a house for them all for free,,stand your ground you worked for that house. Tell them they can buy it at market value.so many people do this to there parents niw
Tell them good-by and help them pack.
You need to get a lawyer RiGHT NOW!!! It’s entirely possible they could have or already have taken control of your estate and YOU may find yourself out on the street with no legal recourse to your own home, bank accounts, car or anything else that’s yours!!! She’s willing to pay for you to move into what’s effectively a closet from your own large home worth mucho big bucks in today’s market??? How generous of her!!! Do not sign your name to anything they give you to sign nor allow them to have you co-sign anything. Get a lawyer NOW!!!!! Don’t even put your signature on b-day or holiday cards you give those kids – that could easily be forged!!! Go to a hospital and ask if they need volunteers to help in the pediatric nursery or NICU if you miss the g-kids so much. You won’t miss them all for long once they leave you homeless and broke!!!
Tell them to go and tell the son fine, in my will I will leave everything to the grandchildren and it will be in a trust fund where he will get nothing. Entitled brats.
What a POS your son is! Tell him to go and enjoy your life they’ll end up crawling back
They need you they aren’t going anywhere. Tell him it’s time to grow up and get their own house.
Two can play that game. Tell your ungrateful son and DIL that you will leave your estate in trust for your grandchildren, and give them some “How Not To” literature from Planned Parenthood. Who’s idea was it to have more kids than they had room for, anyway?
Help them pack
You are being manipulated after a kind gesture. Tell them to get packing. If your house gets to be to much maybe sell and find something smaller. While u are at it tell them if you do not get to see your grandkids you will write him out of your will. Leave it to your grandkids when they turn 21. Last find a good church to attend with a good church family.
Let them move and call their bluff!!! They will come calling when they need help. Stand your ground. They should have saved enough money all those years to be able to afford a house. If the house is too crowded then they have only themselves to blame. No privacy, too bad. Then they should move immediately!!!!!
Boot them out
Tell them to kiss your grits and you stay in your house. Don’t let them black mail you . How disturbing This is to me. Hang in there Grammy.
If they don’t want to live with you, that is their choice, they will need to move. You shouldn’t have to give up your home and if they are going to threaten to not let you see the children, it would of happened to control you.and you can’t live that way.
WTF! Tell them to get a life and suck it up buttercup! And this is the stupidest sh*s than ever! I can’t even imagine! I am sorry that you even have to go through with your family!
Tell them to go. They’ll miss you and need you before you need them. Ungrateful son
Don’t respond to their threats. It’s your house and they are being ungrateful. It’s sad if they don’t let you see the grandkids but if you give in then they will continue to use that threat to get their way. Stand your ground!
Let your ungrateful son and DIL leave! Also remove them from your will. Horrible people
Your Grands will grow up to know the Truth, You are not alone, everything i own taken, Wife of 50 yrs Six Grands & been 4 1/2 years & one i have never seen & nearly died at Birth. I put my Faith in The Lord, Seek Him with a pure Heart & wait on the Lord. I’m a victim also. Tomorrow i will be 74 on the 5th & a Disabled Vietnam 12-Bravo total ♿️.
Trust me they’ll be back for something. You opened your home to them, they should be grateful, but they’re not. Blackmailing you into giving up your home is WRONG. Shame on them, besides who is to say you will see the grandkids when you move out. They will be to busy, unless you babysit for free, while they go on vacation. Keep that foot down!
Get a lawyer and see what ur rights are as a grandmother
Tell them to.leave it’s your house omg their so ungrateful
Ask them to leave . You did them the favor. She doesn’t respect you. and know your son doesn’t either. Shame on them just let them go kids and all. You live for you I’m your home your castle!