Torture is prohibited for a reason. The cruel acts not only leave visible scars but also mutilate the soul.
Few people would have the strength that this little female dog demonstrates. Despite the hardships she endures, she has a wonderful life ahead of her.
Fate saves her life
The young dog is abandoned on the highway. As if the traffic isn’t enough to end her life, a cable tie is tightly wrapped around her neck.

The tight plastic chain restricts her breathing and causes her pain but, at this point, is not enough to kill her.
A truck driver sees her at an exit and doesn’t hesitate for a second. He hits the brakes, rushes to her, and contacts the authorities.
Immediately, he removes the cable tie and gives the brave fighter some water. When police officer Iliana Magallanes arrives, the little dog surprises everyone.
She greets Iliana with enthusiasm and wags her tail.
“Despite her torture, she was still friendly and happy,” says Iliana.

She has injuries and needs time to heal
The puppy’s eyes are bloodshot, and her neck is swollen. Iliana takes Brandy, as the little dog is named, to the Benson Animal Shelter (BAS).

During the ride, she showers her with love and affection. To make the little dog feel comfortable and secure, Iliana wraps her in a cozy blanket.
A shelter staff member fosters Brandy, ensuring she is in good hands. A long road of physical and emotional healing lies ahead of her.
The first good news doesn’t take long. A family wants to adopt Brandy once she has recovered.

Soon, she will be with her new family
Brandy has a remarkable character. Despite everything in her past, she can still let go and move forward.
The vile act of her former owner has no long-term consequences for the sweet dog. A wonderful and hopefully long life awaits her with her new family.