Anyone who lives under one roof with both a dog and a cat will be familiar with these little games:
A heated dispute can quickly break out between the mismatched four-legged friends over who actually owns the cozy bed.
No matter how big the bed is that you buy for your dog – if you have a cat in the house, they’ll want to claim it for themselves!
Conflict Between Dog and Cat

Sometimes, cats can be really nasty, and dogs can behave like big babies. Cats simply love to get really comfortable, which the dog in the house often has to feel.
They want to show the dog who’s in charge of the house! Most of the time, dogs remain peaceful and avoid confrontation with the kitty.

Or they are simply too tired to expend their energy on defending their bed.
Not the Golden Retriever in this video, though. He suddenly entered the living room to take a nap in his fluffy bed.
But he didn’t count on the baby kitten, which was already comfortably lying in his bed, looking at the dog as if it knew nothing.
“He instantly knew something was wrong.”

The dog immediately rushed to his bed, only to find out that the kitten had already taken his favorite spot.
The cat’s look said more than a thousand words. She meowed at him as if she wanted to say, “Get lost, dog!”

Slowly, the dog became desperate and started to pace around his bed. He had to find a way to reclaim his sleeping spot.
By now, the Golden Retriever was visibly upset and snorted angrily at the cat. He kept circling the bed, hoping the kitten would eventually give in.
But no chance! Even when he barked at the kitten, she didn’t budge an inch – the bed was just TOO comfortable.
He didn’t give up

Then the dog tried a different tactic – he started to snuggle up to the big bed repeatedly.
While doing so, he kept looking at his human, who was amusedly filming this funny dispute over the bed – he apparently hoped for assistance.

But he didn’t get any – so he became more persistent and even more aggressive towards the cat.
He continued to bark at the cat and stuck his head under the bed to push the cat away – until he eventually flipped half of the bed.

However, all his efforts were in vain – the cat was not deterred by anything. Even when he tried to flip the entire bed, he failed, and the kitten merely responded with an unimpressive “Meow.”
Extreme measures were needed

Eventually, the dog had had enough and decided to pull the bed away with his mouth so that the cat would finally vacate the spot.
However, all his efforts were in vain. That’s when he temporarily gave up and lay panting beside the bed.
A new plan was needed! Perhaps the cat would be willing to share the sleeping spot? Done.
The dog lay down on the bed beside the cat – and lo and behold, the cat didn’t have any issues with that!
But the dog wasn’t satisfied with that; he wanted his bed all to himself. So, he continued to bark at the cat and tried to push her off the bed, which only resulted in a loud hiss from the cat.
Then, all of a sudden, the kitten discovered that there was actually a much better bed – the dog himself!
She climbed onto him, and now both the cat and the dog seemed very content with the situation.
Watch this funny video now if you want to be right in the middle of the dispute between the two four-legged friends over the bed.