Two-year-old Thea Chase from Fiathorn, Michigan, in the USA, is in the backyard with her uncle. The man notices that Thea is not wearing shoes and sends her back into the house.
A short time later, Thea disappears. The two family dogs, Rottweiler Buddy and English Springer Spaniel Hartley, are also gone.
Thea’s mother, Brooke Chase, immediately starts searching.
Horrible Hours for the Mother
Even on the nearby street, there is no sign of Thea and the dogs. After 20 minutes, Brooke panics.
Has someone abducted her daughter and taken the dogs too? She calls the police, and a large-scale search operation begins.
An hour passes, then two, then three. No trace of Thea. Even the search dogs deployed by the police have no success.
One Stands Guard, the Other Is a Pillow
People from the neighborhood form their own search teams.
One of the neighbors is riding a quad bike along a trail when he suddenly spots a dog.
It’s a Rottweiler. Isn’t one of the Chase family dogs a Rottweiler?

There stands Buddy, and a little further away lies Hartley. He’s currently playing the role of a pillow, but not for anyone else but little Thea.
She’s taking a nap. When the man tries to wake Thea, Buddy doesn’t seem too friendly. He has taken on the role of protector.
Hi, Mom!
The little girl has walked more than three miles, which is no small feat for a two-year-old.
The mother breathes a huge sigh of relief when she learns that her daughter is safe, five hours after Thea’s disappearance.
The child is completely unaware of the concerns that everyone had.
She simply made a long walk – without shoes, which she was supposed to put on. She just says:
“Hi, Mom,”
and giggles a little.
Watch Thea, her mom, and the two faithful dogs on the YouTube channel @kens5.