In 2009, Quest Gulliford embarked on an extraordinary journey, spending over $70,000 on tattoos and body modifications. He recently shared pictures of his transformation, showcasing his remarkable before-and-after appearance. Replying to @leacheco how did i sit through my eyeball tattoos … Answer #foryou ♬ original sound – Quest Gulliford
Quest, who survived Hodgkin’s lymphoma in the seventh grade, got his first tattoo to symbolize his ordeal. The tattoos, including the words “God First” and a purple cancer ribbon, marked the beginning of his ongoing ink adventure.
“I had a big lymph node growing,” Quest told the Daily Mail. “It was six months of chemotherapy. I kind of felt like a superhuman after that.”
Over the years, Quest has invested around $70,000 in body modifications and tattoos, covering him from head to toe. With over 1 million followers on TikTok, he shares his journey and experiences with his fans.
Three years ago, Quest, known as on TikTok, shared his experience of getting eye tattoos. He now frequently answers questions about what it’s like. He underwent the procedure in Houston, where ink was injected to tint his eyelids black. “More of an injection or modification… not really like a tattoo on your skin,” he described.
“It took me a long time actually on the day, once I walked into the shop in Houston, Texas, to even psych myself up to get it done,” he added.
Recently, Quest uploaded photos showing his entire tattoo journey from 2009 to 2019. The images and videos document his transformation from having only a few tattoos on his chest to being almost entirely covered in ink.
“I had cancer when I was twelve, but I have no idea whether that has anything to do with my love of tattoos,” Quest explained in another video. “I got bullied a lot in high school as well, especially when I had cancer and my hair was falling out.”
Quest’s story is one of resilience and self-expression. His tattoos are not just art; they are symbols of his strength and survival.
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