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People Reveal the Craziest Wills They Ever Saw

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People have always used their wills as a way to leave behind their final wishes. Sometimes these wishes are filled with love, other times with revenge, and often they come with strange surprises. From disowning family members to leaving everything to strangers, wills have revealed hidden truths and sparked shocking controversies.

Reddit users have shared some of the most bizarre and fascinating stories of unusual requests and unexpected legacies left behind in wills. These stories will leave you questioning what people really think about their loved ones and what they want to leave behind.

As people get older, they start thinking about what will happen to their belongings after they’re gone. Some people write their wills when they are healthy, while others are prompted by a serious illness.

Most people simply divide their possessions among family and friends, but some leave behind requests that are impossible to predict. Let’s dive into 17 incredible stories that show just how strange and interesting the final wishes of some people can be.

1. The Trust Fund for a Goldfish
One solicitor recalled a woman who left a shocking request: she wanted to set up a trust fund of £100,000 for her pet goldfish. But that wasn’t all. The goldfish had to be fed fresh avocado every day and needed to be cared for by a dog walker.

“She was dead serious,” said the solicitor, who couldn’t believe what they were hearing.

2. The Secret Daughter
In another case, a woman revealed she had a secret daughter that no one knew about. She left money and photos to this daughter in her will, ensuring that her husband and the rest of her family would never find out. The family was left in shock when they discovered this hidden part of her life.

3. The Bus Driver’s Gift
One older woman decided to leave her house and all of her belongings to her local bus driver, a man who had always been kind to her. Her family was blindsided and tried to contest the will. But the court ruled that the woman was of sound mind when she made the decision, so the will stood.

“Her family was devastated. But she knew what she wanted,” a friend of the bus driver shared.

4. The Spring-Loaded Coffin
A young man made a strange request in his will: he wanted to be buried in a spring-loaded coffin that would surprise future archaeologists. “Imagine their faces when they discover my coffin,” he said. “If that’s too expensive, just cremate me.”

The request left everyone laughing, but it also showed the man’s unique sense of humor.

5. The Horse’s Final Wish
A woman made a very unusual request in her will regarding her horse. She insisted that the horse be euthanized, cremated, and that its ashes be scattered alongside hers. However, the horse had already passed away before she did, sparing her family the strange task of fulfilling her request.

6. Ashes Around the World
Some wills come with extraordinary requests. One person asked their family to travel around the world to scatter their ashes in certain locations. Another individual left a fortune to any woman in the Toronto area who could have the most children by a specific date.

“It was a bizarre request, but it made for an interesting challenge,” said one of the beneficiaries.

7. The Tie with Pink Elephants
A Reddit user shared a strange story about their grandfather’s will. The old man left his grandchild a navy-blue tie with pink elephants on it, claiming it made people in business intimidated. “He wanted me to wear it and project the same confidence he had,” the grandchild said, shaking their head in disbelief.

8. The Inheritance Conditions
One mother had specific conditions attached to her inheritance. She told one son he could only receive his share if he visited a dentist. Another son had to lose 70 pounds before he could claim his inheritance. “It was her way of motivating us,” the son laughed, though he admitted it was a bit harsh.

9. The 56-Page Will
One woman went above and beyond when writing her will. She left behind a 56-page document that detailed every item in her house, even things as small as the wooden ladle and toilet paper holder.

Each item was assigned to a specific person in her family. “It was as if she wanted to control everything from beyond the grave,” said one of her relatives.

10. A Burial on the Property
A woman insisted that she be buried next to her husband on their rural property, even though it was illegal. What made it even stranger was that she refused to say whether her husband had been cremated or not, leaving a cloud of mystery hanging over the request.

11. A Trip to the Zoo
In an unexpected turn of events, one man asked in his will for his family to visit the zoo immediately after his funeral. “It was his way of making a sad day a little brighter,” said one family member, adding that it was a touching and whimsical way to remember him.

12. The Elvis Impersonator
A wealthy uncle left his entire estate to an Elvis impersonator, leaving his family stunned. They were shocked because they had hardly seen him in years, and now they were left empty-handed. “We couldn’t believe it,” said one family member. “It was the last thing we expected.”

13. The Son Who Inherited Guilt
A multi-millionaire left their fortune to their son, who had been responsible for their death. However, the son was declared legally insane and was living in a mental institution.

Every year, the son would call the bank to ask for $50 for snacks, following the terms of the will. “It was a strange, sad situation,” said a close friend of the family.

14. Revenge with Cats
In a surprising act of revenge, parents left their children only the family cats after the children had forced them to adopt the pets. “They hated the cats, but they took them in just to keep us happy,” the children explained, though they admitted it was a harsh final gesture.

15. A Final Gift to the City Council
After a long battle with eminent domain, one man left the contents of his outhouse to the city council. His children were instructed to box up all the magazines and books from the outhouse and deliver them to City Hall as a final joke. “It was his way of getting the last laugh,” one of his children said.

16. The Surprised Taxi Driver
A woman left her estate to her regular taxi driver, who was completely unaware of the arrangement until he was told after her death. The previous beneficiary, a close friend of the woman, contested the will, but it was upheld. “He was shocked, but grateful,” said one family member.

17. The Hidden Fortune with Life Lessons
One grandmother left behind a “hidden fortune” to her grandson, but there were strict conditions. He had to live in her old, run-down trailer for a year without making any improvements.

He also had to volunteer at an animal shelter for two years and write a public essay on humility. “She made sure the fortune came with important life lessons,” said the grandson, reflecting on how the challenge changed his life.

These stories show that wills can be filled with humor, bitterness, and generosity. Some bring closure, while others open up new chapters of surprise or drama. Whether they are heartwarming or peculiar, these final wishes leave behind tales that often last longer than the inheritances themselves. What do you think of these stories? Share your thoughts in the comments below!