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Poodle: Dog Breed Characteristics & Care

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The elegant appearance, curly hairstyle, and friendly nature make the Poodle a popular dog not only among refined ladies. It is not just a dog for “Fashionistas” but an intelligent, loyal, and courageous family pet. Here you will find all the important information about the breed.

History of the Poodle

The Poodle is a very old breed of dog, whose origin has not been fully clarified to this day. The first curly-haired dogs probably existed over 2000 years ago in ancient Rome and Persia. Today, Poodles are especially popular as family pets. However, in the Middle Ages, they had a very specific task. From the 14th century onwards, the curly-haired dogs were primarily used in hunting waterfowl. The German dog name “Pudel” is derived from the Old German word “puddeln,” which means “to splash in the water.”

Due to their extravagant appearance and good obedience, the dogs were further bred primarily by circuses from the 19th century onwards. Thus, they gradually lost their abilities as hunting dogs, only the retrieving enthusiasm remained. At the same time, the Poodle also became increasingly popular as a fashion and lap dog of the nobility.

In the 1960s, it even surpassed the German Shepherd as the most popular breed in Germany. It was assigned to FCI Group 9, the companion and toy dogs. Today, four different variants are bred: the Toy Poodle (25 to 29 cm), the Miniature Poodle (28 to 34 cm), the Medium Poodle (35 to 44 cm), and the Standard Poodle, also known as the Large Poodle (45 to 62 cm).

GROUP: Non-Sporting

HEIGHT: Up to 10 inches (toy), 10 to 15 inches (miniature), over 15 inches (standard)

WEIGHT: 4 to 6 pounds (toy), 10 to 15 pounds (miniature), 40 to 70 pounds (standard)

COAT: Curly, long

COAT COLOR: Apricot, black, blue, brown, cafe au lait, cream, gray, red, silver, silver beige, or white

LIFE SPAN: 10 to 18 years

TEMPERAMENT: Intelligent, affectionate, active


ORIGIN: Germany

Appearance and Grooming of the Poodle

The woolly coat of the breed is soft and finely curled and grows continuously without shedding. For this reason, the Poodle must be regularly groomed. Daily brushing prevents the soft fur from matting too quickly and becoming uncomfortable for the dog. To prevent your dog’s coat from constantly growing, you should also regularly go to the dog groomer. Here you have the choice between the Classic Clip, the English Clip, or the Modern Clip.

Officially, the breed is bred in five color varieties: black, brown, white, gray, and apricot. Two-color animals, such as the black-and-white Harlequin or the black-and-tan Black-Tan, are also widespread.

Source: Freepik

Traits and Characteristics

The Poodle is a lively and playful breed that can adapt well to all situations. It is also extremely intelligent and can be trained with great joy, making it a good beginner dog. The loyal dog prefers to be near its humans, needs direct family contact, and is therefore a good family pet. Poodles also rarely have problems with children and are not dangerous.

However, Poodles can have a lot of energy, so if you have small children, you should opt for Toy Poodles or Miniature Poodles. The sensitive animal is very attentive and immediately recognizes when its owner is not feeling well. It is often affectionate and likes to provide calmness and inner balance to its master or mistress. Depending on its size, the undemanding dog can also be easily kept in small apartments.

Affection LevelHigh
Exercise NeedsHigh
Energy LevelHigh
Tendency to BarkMedium
Amount of SheddingLow

How to Care for a Poodle?

Considerations Before Getting One:

With a life expectancy of 12 to 17 years, the Poodle is among the long-lived dogs. So, if you want to get a puppy, you should be sure that you want to commit to the four-legged friend for that long. You don’t have to be an extreme athlete to meet the needs of the fluffy dog. However, you should enjoy going for walks and letting your four-legged friend interact with other dogs.

Generally, Poodles, due to their strong bond with their family, do not like to be alone. So, with the four-legged friend, there’s only vacationing with a dog or no vacation at all.

By the way: We have selected the most beautiful travel destinations with a dog for you.

Once you have made your final decision, it is important to find a reputable breeder. For a purebred and healthy Poodle, you can expect to pay up to $1500 from the breeder. If you cannot or do not want to spend that much money, I advise against buying a puppy from a shady breeder. The dogs are often sick and kept under cruel conditions. A better alternative is to adopt a Poodle from a shelter and give them a new, cozy home.

Development and Training of the Puppy

Due to the high intelligence of this breed, the puppy understands what you demand from them from a young age. Therefore, you should start training on the first day. As with all other breeds, consistent yet loving training is the key to success. A positive reinforcement training, such as clicker training, is also suitable for this curious breed.

The dog quickly gets excited about learning small tricks and stunts. Although the dog generally gets along well with other pets, good socialization is mandatory. Visiting a dog school or a dog walking group where they can interact with other dogs are good additions to training.

Activities and Entertainment

Due to its affectionate and curious nature, the Poodle enjoys walks and activities with its family. Even the small Toy Poodle needs a lot of exercise and mental stimulation. Because of their history as hunting dogs, they still enjoy retrieving. Fetching sticks, playing ball, and dummy training are great activities for this agile breed.

Thanks to their high intelligence and agility, the breed is suitable for all kinds of dog sports. The curly-haired dogs are particularly joyful when it comes to trick training or obedience. As former water dogs, many representatives of the breed have a great affinity for water and enjoy a visit to a lake or river for swimming in the summer.

Source: Freepik

Interesting and Worth Knowing

The Poodle is a Dog for Allergy Sufferers:

Whether it’s a Standard Poodle or a Toy Poodle, the Poodle is the ideal breed for dog lovers who typically struggle with allergies. Since they shed very little hair and are considered “hypoallergenic,” they do not trigger itchy eyes or sneezing fits. Additionally, the breed does not have a strong odor and is perceived by most as odorless.

Mixed breeds like the Goldendoodle, Maltipoo, or Cockapoo are also considered allergy-friendly. However, as an allergy sufferer, you should establish intensive contact with the breed, either with a breeder or with friends who own dogs, before making a decision, to test whether you react or not.

Famous Poodle Owners:

The breed has been and continues to be a popular choice among many celebrities, not only because of its pompous appearance. Particularly composers seemed to be fond of the cuddly dog. Not only Richard Wagner, but also Ludwig van Beethoven had his own Poodle. The latter even dedicated his work “Elegy on the Death of a Poodle” to his dog. Leading politicians also found favor with the breed. Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill owned a Toy Poodle named Rufus.

US President Richard Nixon’s Miniature Poodle, Vicky, lived with the family in the White House during his presidency. Even stars like Marilyn Monroe, Elvis Presley, Grace Kelly, Barbara Streisand, and even Walt Disney had a representative of the breed at home. One Poodle that gained fame itself was Munito II, who went on tour in the 19th century and allegedly could spell and do math.

Do you also have a Poodle or are you considering getting one? Tell us in the comments what you think makes the breed so special!

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