You can acquire puppies from breeders, private sellers, or shelters. Your new family member will be your loyal companion for the next ten to 15 years. Therefore, you should pay close attention to where your new companion comes from and whether they have been well socialized. Here, you will learn what to consider when searching for a puppy.
Before choosing a puppy, consider whether an older dog from a shelter or rescue might also be suitable. These animals are usually very loyal and grateful companions. However, if you specifically want a puppy for certain reasons, carefully choose the breeder or private seller so that you do not inadvertently contribute to uncontrolled breeding.
Considerations Before Puppy Search
Before starting your search for a suitable puppy, consider what type of dog fits your living conditions and what characteristics you desire in the animal. If you prefer a purebred dog, familiarize yourself beforehand with the needs and characteristics of the desired breed. Assess whether you can provide the dog with the living conditions it requires based on its disposition. Also, consider whether you prefer a calm dog or a lively one. If the puppy is joining a family with young children, it is important that the breed is suitable as a family pet. Only when you know which type of dog’s temperament could suit you should you start actively searching for a puppy.
Reputable breeders ensure that the puppies have a good upbringing and are exposed to various stimuli that they will encounter in daily life. This includes early encounters with people and other animals, as well as exposure to different noises – such as the vacuum cleaner. It is important during the puppy search that you visit the dog several times before adoption and make your own assessment of the parent animals, the previous living conditions, and the temperament of the animal.

Puppy Search: Here, Seriousness and Breed Standards Matter
Once you’ve decided on a particular breed, it’s advisable to choose a dog from a breeder. Purebred dogs come with a price. Therefore, be cautious of offers below the usual conditions. Reputable breeders are usually members of the American Kennel Club (AKC) and additionally of a breed association. They strictly adhere to regulations and breed standards, which is why puppies with AKC papers are more expensive. Puppies from breeders are legally required to be separated from their mother at the earliest from the eighth week of life, in accordance with animal welfare laws.
A responsible breeder allows the mother to give birth only once a year to prevent stress and exhaustion from too many pregnancies. They closely monitor the puppies in the first weeks of life and prepare them optimally for life in a new home. They know each animal and its character and can advise you on selecting a suitable puppy. Healthy, relaxed dogs, a clean environment, proper paperwork, and a breeder who assesses you in a friendly but critical manner are always good signs. Additionally, they are knowledgeable about vaccinations and deworming and have already initiated the first health measures.
Mixed-breed puppies from private sellers
If the breed of your new companion is not so important to you, you can also search for puppies from private sellers. Here, too, you should carefully check the breeding behavior and environment of the puppies. Often, you can find friendly mixed-breed puppies this way, which have a good character and quickly acclimate to a new home.
However, as with breeders, it is essential that the seller provides the puppies with a good environment in the first weeks of life, where they find perfect conditions to become good companions for humans. Visit the puppies not just once, but get to know the animals in their familiar surroundings. Reputable breeders and private sellers who want their animals to go to good new homes will surely accommodate you in this regard.

Male or Female? The Influence of Hormones on Puppy Search
Males are said to be more active, self-confident, and less fearful than females. On the other hand, females are believed to be more obedient, trainable, and affectionate. Females are supposedly sensitive, moody, and unbearable during heat cycles, while males are always focused on mating, marking every grain of sand, and displaying macho behavior everywhere. These are exaggerated stereotypes about both genders. The fact is that males are generally larger and more robust than female dogs of the same breed. All other characteristics primarily depend on the care and upbringing of the dogs.