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Quite Curious: What This Great Dane Does to Peek Into the Neighbor’s Garden Is Hilarious

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Having dependable neighbors gives most of us a sense of security. However, things can be a little different when the neighbors are a tad too curious.

Indeed, curiosity is said to be the main reason why neighbors can quickly become a handful. Does this apply to the star of our following story? Let’s find out now!

Your Neighbor Knows What You’re Up To

Source: YouTube – Jeff Davis

In Arkansas, there’s such a neighbor. He, or rather she, has taken neighborly snooping to a whole new level.

But who is “she” exactly? She’s Gabby, a Great Dane. She has been caught repeatedly peering into the neighbor’s garden, and she gets a little help because Gabby can’t jump several meters into the air on her own, despite her size.

Curiosity Paired with Exercise

Source: YouTube – Jeff Davis

Gabby has learned to use a trampoline, which enables her to observe her neighbors. Well, the neighbors are more likely to be observing her than the other way around. It’s probably just a case of Gabby enjoying her daily exercise.

For the neighbors, Gabby’s antics provide plenty of entertainment. After all, when was the last time you saw a Great Dane seemingly defying gravity, flying through the air, all while barking away?

Source: YouTube – Jeff Davis

One moment she seems to be soaring, and the next, she’s gone from sight. However, you can always hear her barking.

Gabby Goes Viral

Source: YouTube – Jeff Davis

It’s no surprise that Gabby has become an internet sensation thanks to her trampoline talent. Her slapstick performance is just side-splitting. Over 1.7 million people have watched her video by now. The fact is, Gabby’s talent is bringing laughter to the whole world.

By the way, you can watch the video on Jeff Davies’ YouTube channel.

Source: YouTube – Jeff Davis

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