Last month, a video of Rachael Ray went viral, and fans couldn’t stop talking about it. In the video, it seemed like the popular chef was slurring her words, and some even noticed that part of her face appeared to be sagging. This worried many people, who began to wonder if something was seriously wrong with her.
The video sparked a wave of concern from her fans. One fan commented, “Observe her mouth. It looks like she might be recovering from a stroke.” Another user said, “To me, it sounds like she’s drunk. She also looks bloated. I hope she gets the help she needs, or she’ll be another person who falls victim to addiction.”
But Rachael didn’t ignore her fans’ worries. Instead, she addressed the situation in the first episode of her podcast, “I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead.” She explained that she had been dealing with some health issues, which she believed were the result of overdoing it with housework and physical labor.
“I take care of the house. I love doing housework. I enjoy being in the kitchen,” Rachael said during the podcast, adding that even though she enjoys doing chores, she also spends time working her brain every day, whether it’s writing or other tasks.
Rachael continued, “I enjoy what people think of as physical labor. I love creating lists, organizing dinners, and preparing meals. I enjoy doing manual work, like carrying in the wood.”
But she admitted that lately, her body had been showing signs of wear and tear. “I had a couple of bad falls in the past few weeks,” she said. Though she didn’t go into detail about what exactly happened or what injuries she may have sustained, it was clear that these falls were taking a toll on her.
Fans had first started worrying about Rachael’s health in early September when she posted the video on Instagram. The way she sounded and looked in the video left people questioning her well-being. Some even feared that something serious might have happened to her.
Rachael finally spoke up to clear up any confusion and calm her fans. She shared that her slurred speech and the way she looked in the video were just a result of her health struggles, and not something more serious.
Though Rachael didn’t go into a lot of detail, her explanation was believable. She reassured her fans that nothing horrible had happened and that she was working on recovering from the physical strain she’d been putting her body through.
Rachael’s fans were relieved to hear from her directly and expressed their support in the comments, wishing her a speedy recovery.
What do you think of Rachael Ray’s situation? We hope she gets well soon! Share your thoughts in the comments below!