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Rescued Dog Bites New Owners – How He Turns into the Best Brother for Their Baby Is Astonishing

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The dog, Jay, is adopted by his owners from Puerto Rico. However, significant problems are observed with the dog right from the start.

The four-legged friend is intimidated and fearful, exhibiting this through displacement behaviors. Despite the challenges, his owners do not give up on him.

A Not Entirely Safe Dog

The dog, Jay, seems to have had a tough life until now.

After being rescued, he struggles to adjust to his new home.

Source: TheDodo -YouTube

For instance, the dog likes to pull and tug at his owners’ clothing and doesn’t respond to their commands.

Trimming his claws or giving him a bath proves difficult, and his owners have to use a muzzle to avoid being bitten.

Source: TheDodo -YouTube

When Jay’s owner realizes she is pregnant, she understands that a change needs to happen with the dog.

Summer Camp for a Troubled Dog

After some research, the owners send Jay to a dog training program that lasts six weeks. They jokingly refer to this time as “summer camp.”

During this training, Jay undergoes a true transformation. While the dog used to be afraid of water, he now willingly swims in a pool.

And, more importantly, Jay is now peaceful and no longer bites.

Source: TheDodo -YouTube

Finally, Jay’s playful and funny side has the chance to emerge. The dog seems like a different animal, significantly more confident.

When the owners’ baby is born, they no longer worry about Jay interacting with their child.

Jay has become the best big brother.

Source: TheDodo -YouTube

Reaching the Goal with Patience

Other people might have quickly surrendered dogs like Jay to a shelter and not invested any more time in the canine.

YouTube viewers, however, are pleased that Jay’s owners didn’t give up on him and can now enjoy the fruits of their labor. A viewer, pack.leader, writes:

“What incredibly patient and hopeful people.”

Another user, nitro9302, recognizes the effort the owners put in and comments:

“Wow, a family that actually took the time to train their dog instead of just giving him away.”

Would you like to see Jay’s transformation into the best big brother? Then, watch the video yourself!

Source: TheDodo -YouTube

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