The Retro Pug is on everyone’s minds. But what exactly is a Retro Pug? And does it represent a good alternative to the traditional Pug? Find out more in this article.
History of the Retro Pug
The original Pug originated from China, where it was an extremely respected breed. Initially, only the emperor was allowed to keep and breed Pugs. Later, they were also sold to the wealthy and nobles – the Pug was a true status symbol! Over time, it became a popular lap dog for ladies. It never had any other function than enriching the lives of its owners and bringing them joy in everyday life.
Unfortunately, many breeders have increasingly bred the distinctive features of the Pug without regard to the consequences. The noses became shorter, the skulls squarer. This resulted in breathing problems, reduced performance, and immense eating difficulties. However, this leads to a whole host of other physical and psychological problems.
What is a Retro Pug? The Retro Pug is theoretically supposed to represent the original Pug. Responsible breeders wanted to help the breed regain health and vitality. Therefore, they crossed other breeds with the Pug to bring the breed standards back to a reasonable level. The Parson Russell Terrier played a special role in this.
However, in order not to create hybrids or even a new breed, the other dogs were crossed very selectively and carefully. Once the unhealthy breed traits were bred out, only Retro Pugs were bred with each other. Despite all efforts, the Retro Pug is not recognized as a breed by the major breed associations. However, Pug lovers should not be bothered by this. Health and agility are much more important for a fulfilling dog’s life than breed affiliation in the end!
Breed Overview
GROUP: Companion
HEIGHT: 9-16 inches tall
WEIGHT: 15-25 pounds
COAT: short coat
COAT COLOR: fawn, black, tan, silver fawn brindle, or a mix of colors
LIFE SPAN: 13-16 years
TEMPERAMENT: affectionate, intelligent, fond of children, cuddly
Nature and Character
Due to the careful and sparing crossbreeding of other dog breeds, the Retro Pug has remained very close to its original breed in character. The small four-legged creatures with the big bulging eyes are just as affectionate, cheerful, and cuddly as the actual Pug. However, due to better health, Retro Pugs are generally more agile and active than their relatives. Since the Pug is purely a companion dog, it has little to no protective and hunting instinct. During the crossbreeding of foreign breeds, strict attention was paid to ensuring that they brought as few breed-atypical characteristics as possible. Thus, the Retro Pug is an easy-to-care-for, easily trainable pet that brings joy to older people and families alike.

Acquisition of a Retro Pug
Before acquiring a Retro Pug, the prospective owner must consider a few things about owning a dog – as with any breed. Because a four-legged companion not only brings a lot of joy but also a lot of responsibility. Even though the Retro Pug belongs to the calmer breeds with a rather relaxed temperament, it needs to go outside several times a day. And that over many years!
In addition, a dog must fit into the budget. Not only does the acquisition of the animal cost money. Food and accessories such as leashes, collars and harnesses, taxes, insurance, and much more often cost dog owners a small fortune over the years. And then there’s the vet – not only vaccinations and regular check-ups need to be paid for. Occasionally, accidents or illnesses can incur exorbitant costs overnight. If you’re not sure you can afford this for at least 15 years, you should steer clear of getting a dog. Because nothing is worse than having to give up your beloved companion eventually for financial reasons.
What should I consider when buying?
When purchasing a Retro Pug, it is important to ensure that it comes from a responsible breeder. The parent animals must have been thoroughly examined for hereditary diseases and genetic defects. Unfortunately, the breed is still heavily burdened in this regard. In a “true” Retro Pug, only a fraction of foreign breeds has been crossed, and this was done deliberately and sensibly. Anything else would be a mixed breed. These dogs can also be healthy, attractive, and friendly, but they are not as close to the original Pug as the Retro Pug. How much does a Retro Pug cost? From a proper, reputable breeder, a Retro Pug puppy costs around $900 and more.
Furthermore, the breeder must maintain a loving relationship with the animals. At least the mother animal should always be available for inspection. Too frequent litters are torture for the bitches. Therefore, the buyer must ensure when choosing a puppy that the mother has had sufficient rest periods between the last litters and is not constantly being bred again.
The puppies must already be exposed to everyday things and situations at the breeder’s. Riding in cars, walking on a leash, loud noises like vacuum cleaners, vet visits, meeting strangers, and much more should be part of their curriculum. Only in this way can confident dogs with a stable temperament develop.
Puppy Development and Training
As with any dog breed, the Retro Pug puppy needs time to settle into its new home and get to know the new environment and its family. But then, ideally, the learning of the first commands, training to walk on a leash, and housebreaking should begin very soon. The earlier a puppy learns something, the more it solidifies and becomes reliably callable in everyday life.
Short, intensive training sessions with long breaks in between are most effective. This keeps the Retro Pug highly concentrated during the exercises and allows it to process what it has learned afterwards. Training too much not only risks raising a constantly demanding bundle of nerves but can also damage the still developing musculoskeletal system in puppyhood, leading to problems in old age.
How do I care for a Retro Pug?
The Retro Pug prefers a more relaxed lifestyle than most other dog breeds. Why a Retro Pug? Because, thanks to its longer nose, slimmer head, and longer legs, it enjoys better health than the original Pug, making it much more agile than the latter. Especially quieter activities such as search games, tracking work, obedience, retrieving objects, and learning tricks not only challenge the clever four-legged friend physically but also mentally, contributing to its calm and relaxed nature.

Activities with the Retro Pug
How much exercise does a Retro Pug need? In addition to the activities mentioned above, the Retro Pug loves leisurely walks. Otherwise, it enjoys being with its family all day long. Due to its calm nature and small size, it is a welcome guest and can usually be taken anywhere without any problems. Therefore, going to a restaurant or walking through the local hardware store is not only a good opportunity to train behavior in everyday situations but also provides the outgoing, always curious four-legged friend with variety and new impressions.
Grooming a Retro Pug
The short coat requires little maintenance. However, since Retro Pugs shed quite a bit, regular brushing is recommended. Otherwise, the vacuum cleaner quickly becomes their owners’ (second) best friend, as the short hairs spread almost everywhere in no time.
Furthermore, the Retro Pug has fewer skin problems than the traditional Pug. Unlike the traditional Pug, it has only a few, not too deep skin folds. Only the ears should be cleaned regularly to prevent infections and other diseases.
Health and Hereditary Diseases
Unfortunately, despite the longer noses, there is still a hereditary predisposition to respiratory problems. However, the risk of a serious illness is much lower than with the Pug. Since hereditary diseases such as hip dysplasia, patellar luxations, and many others are genetically determined in Pugs, Retro Pugs are unfortunately also more frequently affected than other dogs. It is therefore all the more important that the parent animals have been tested for this via genetic testing. This cannot completely eliminate the risk, but it can greatly reduce it.
Since Retro Pugs tend to be a little overweight, feeding should pay close attention to the quantity and quality of the food. In combination with sufficient exercise, the Retro Pug can then be a quite fit, loyal companion who can reach a proud age. How long does a Retro Pug live? With good care, these cute little four-legged friends can live to be 15 years and older.
Interesting Facts
The Retro Pug is not actually a new breed. Instead, the dogs were bred to meet the breed standards of the 1950s to 1960s. Essentially, they have the essence of a traditional Pug. What is the difference between a Pug and a Retro Pug? The Retro Pug has been selectively bred to eliminate all the health-threatening breed characteristics of the traditional Pug.