With its impressive white fur and cheerful disposition, the Samoyed, also known as the Samoiedskaia Sabaka, is one of the most popular sled dog breeds in the world.
History of the Samoyed
The Samoyed originates from Northern Siberia, where it was used by the Samoyedic people several centuries ago as a draft and working animal. These robust, white dogs also provided support in guarding reindeer herds and hunting. Unlike other sled dog breeds, the Samoyed was considered a true family member and served as a bed warmer inside the tents. Russian archaeologists found remains of sled dogs dating back 9000 years in Siberia, making them one of the oldest dog breeds in the world.
It wasn’t until the late 19th century that the first puppies arrived in Europe with the British zoologist Ernest Kilburn Scott. The import of additional animals laid the foundation for breeding in Europe. In 1909, breeders agreed on the first breed standard, arbitrarily defining white as the uniform coat color, although the original Samoyeds came in many colors. To achieve the breeding goal, breeders practiced inbreeding and also crossed with German Spitz in the 1950s, resulting in the loss of some of the dogs’ original and wild character. The FCI recognized the breed in 1959 and classified it in Group 5: Spitz and Primitive Types, Section 1: Nordic Sledge Dogs.
Breed Overview
GROUP: Working
HEIGHT: 21 to 23.5 inches (males); 19 to 21 inches (females)
WEIGHT: 45 to 60 pounds (males); 35 to 50 pounds (females)
COAT: Double coat with thick undercoat and straight outercoat
COAT COLOR: Primarily bright white, sometimes cream or biscuit (very light brown)
LIFE SPAN: 12 to 14 years
TEMPERAMENT: Playful, friendly, loyal, energetic, alert
ORIGIN: Siberia
Temperament and Character
The Samoyed is an open-hearted and affectionate family dog that forms a close bond with the entire family. It is very people-oriented, gentle, and affectionate. It is unfamiliar with haste and aggression and has a calming presence. These plush dogs love to be petted and cuddled and do not like to be alone. Intelligent dogs like the Samoyed usually have no problem with other dogs or pets.
They take great pleasure in working with their humans, although they like to assert their own will. Submissiveness and blind obedience are foreign to these courageous dogs. Is a Samoyed a beginner’s dog? Despite its easy-going nature, the Samoyed is not a good choice for beginners due to its high demands.
Affection Level | High |
Friendliness | High |
Kid-Friendly | High |
Pet-Friendly | High |
Exercise Needs | High |
Playfulness | High |
Energy Level | High |
Trainability | Medium |
Intelligence | Medium |
Tendency to Bark | Medium |
Amount of Shedding | High |
Appearance of the Samoyed
The modern Samoyed is a powerful, elegant dog with a cheerful demeanor. The body is harmoniously built, with a strong, wedge-shaped head and a high-set tail. The almond-shaped eyes are always brown and have a lively expression. Characteristic is the so-called “smile,” created by a combination of eye shape and upward-turned lips.
The most striking feature is its long, plush, and dense coat. The coat color of European breeding is always white, with few “biscuit markings” allowed. The sled dogs’ fur is well adapted to cold climates and consists of a short, soft undercoat and longer, smooth guard hair.

Puppy Training
Even though the Samoyed is characteristically very friendly and outgoing, good training is essential. Due to their slightly stubborn and independent nature, polar dogs are best suited to experienced dog owners. You should approach training lovingly and patiently, and be consistent with the puppy. With patience and discipline, you can manage the strong urge some dogs have to chase after anything that moves.
Visiting a dog school is not only advisable for training tips. Here, the puppy meets other dogs and has the chance to play and frolic. Many breeders even give away their dogs only if the new owners guarantee a visit to the dog school.
Activities with the Samoyed:
Since the Samoyed was formerly a working dog with many different tasks, it needs varied activities. Without their daily exercise, the dogs quickly become bored, entertain themselves, and redecorate the apartment. Therefore, long walks are a must in any weather. For further enrichment, it doesn’t have to be sled dog sports right away, although the dogs thrive in front of the sled.
You can also take the enduring sled dogs jogging, cycling, or hiking. The clever dogs master intelligence games with great skill and are enthusiastic about dog sports like agility. Training as a rescue or utility dog is also a good option.

Health and Care
For a healthy and active life, the Samoyed needs an adequate intake of nutrients in the form of vitamins and minerals. You can get feeding tips from your breeder or veterinarian. Feeding depends on the individual needs of the animal. In addition to a healthy diet, proper grooming also affects the health of your Samoyed. Even a layman can see at first glance that the plushy dog requires a lot of grooming.
However, you should not overdo it! It is sufficient to regularly brush the odorless fur and remove loose hairs daily during shedding. Shampoo and soap should only be used in extreme cases when the white fur is so heavily soiled that there is no other option. Normally, the standing fur is self-cleaning with the natural “shake hairstyle”. In summer, you should make sure that the dog with the thick fur does not overheat.
Does the Samoyed Suit Me?
If you are interested in a Samoyed puppy, you should not be deceived by the cute appearance of the dogs. The athletic dogs have a pronounced need for exercise and require plenty of outdoor activity. Close family ties and contact with other dogs are equally important to them. Unlike other sled dogs, the Sammy is an excellent family dog.
So, you should be able to devote enough time to take care of the dog accordingly. If the decision to buy has been made, you should find a reputable breeder who cares about the well-being of his dogs. For purebred and healthy puppies of this breed, you will pay around $1,200.
Interesting and Worth Knowing
Due to their robust nature, Russian sled dogs were popular companions for expeditions to the poles in the 19th century. In 1893, Norwegian explorer Fridtjof Nansen took some representatives of the breed to the North Pole. A few years later, in 1911, 52 Samoyeds accompanied Roald Amundsen as the first livestock to reach the South Pole. At that time, Alexandra of Denmark, the then Queen of Great Britain, also owned several representatives of the breed.
Due to their plushy and cute appearance, Samoyeds are still real stars today. With almost 1 million subscribers, the female dog Maya delights her followers on her Instagram account @mayapolarbear with cute photos and videos. Especially the YouTube videos in which the dog eats various foods are very popular.
Do you have a Samoyed or are you planning to get one? Tell me in the comments what you think makes them so special!