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Seriously Injured Puppy Begs Caregiver to Take Him Home

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Pets without a family are usually placed in shelters. When they require special attention or care, foster homes take care of them.

Zach is one of those caregivers who tend to dogs with special needs. When he looks at a puppy at the shelter, it practically begs to go home with him.

A puppy crying out for help

When Zach sees Ansel, the puppy is trembling all over. Zach reaches out to pet him. Ansel reacts unexpectedly. He raises his paw and places it on Zach’s arm.

With this gesture, he wants to say that he wants to go home with Zach. At this point, Zach is already looking forward to seeing how much better Ansel will be soon, hopefully.

Source: TheDodo – YouTube

Ansel learns what it’s like to have a home

Ansel has injuries around his entire neck area and is very shy and nervous. But he quickly builds trust with Zach.

Over the next few days, Ansel becomes more lively and cheerful. He learns what it’s like to walk on a leash. Zach’s dog Beta is a great help as a role model and a big brother.

Source: TheDodo – YouTube

When the day of adoption arrives, and Ansel gets a permanent family, Zach is happy. He has done his job well, and Ansel is ready.

And he has a good feeling about the new family, too. Ansel’s new mom seems to love him right away.

Source: TheDodo – YouTube

Foster parents for animals are very important. @natalia_juniper puts it succinctly in the comments:

“Foster parents – they change the fate of all these furry babies. You save them, show them what love is, and prepare them for adoption. I love you.”

Watch the video yourself and see what a great foster dad Zach is for Ansel:

Source: TheDodo – YouTube

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