Cheating is one of the most hurtful things that can happen in a relationship. It’s not something you can just laugh off; it can cause a lot of pain for the people involved. That’s why this story has touched so many people deeply.
After 27 years of marriage, a son found out that his father had been unfaithful to his mother. He discovered this shocking truth and didn’t know what to do. Should he tell his parents and risk breaking up the family, or should he keep it a secret?
He turned to Reddit for advice, hoping to find some guidance. His parents had been married for 27 years, and his father had always been a caring husband and a loving dad to him and his sibling. But one day, the son saw a conversation between his father and another woman on Facebook. The chat revealed an ongoing affair, completely changing how he saw his dad.

After that, the son went to college and tried to forget what he had seen. “I just kept that memory repressed, hoping it’d go away,” he said. But it didn’t go away. He finished his undergraduate degree and started grad school. When he came home after almost a year, he noticed his father was still being secretive with his phone.
One time, he asked to borrow his dad’s phone. His father quickly turned off his data to hide any notifications. As someone who grew up with cell phones, the son knew this meant his dad was hiding something.

Now, the son was stuck in a tough situation. He admired his father and didn’t want to destroy his family, but he also didn’t want to keep this painful secret. He knew that telling his mother about the affair would break her heart and likely end their marriage. But keeping the secret felt wrong too.
“You can be an amazing dad and a lousy husband at the same time,” the son wrote. He knew this secret would hurt not just him and his parents, but also his younger brother, who had just been accepted into medical school. His brother had no idea about the affair, and the news would cast a dark shadow over his life too.
Talking to friends didn’t seem like an option either. The son worried about what they would think of him and his father. All his friends loved and respected his dad.
Feeling trapped, he said, “At the end of the day, I know it’s on me to make the choice I think would possibly be the right one.”

People on Reddit had a lot to say. Many told the son that the blame for any family problems lay with his father, not him. Some advised him to tell his mother about the affair to lift the burden from his shoulders. Others suggested that his mother might already know about the affair.
Many Reddit users thought he should have a mature conversation with his father, acknowledging that no relationship is perfect. Some users were concerned that he seemed more worried about his father than his mother.
In the end, Reddit users agreed on one thing: the son needed to stop keeping the secret he had held for six years.
The son didn’t say what he decided to do, but he thanked everyone for their help and concern. Hopefully, the advice he received will help him make the right decision and find some peace during this difficult time.
What would you do in this situation? Have you ever faced a similar dilemma? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!