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Strickly for the » Genius» Which chicken is different? No winners yet.

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Can You Spot the Different Chicken? Test Your Attention to Detail!

Think you have a keen eye for detail? Let’s find out! Look at the photo below and see if you can figure out which chicken is different.

Which Chicken Is Different?

In the picture below, there are eight chickens. Your challenge is to spot the one that’s different. But be warned—there’s more to this than meets the eye!

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Got It Yet?

Still trying to figure it out? Here’s a hint: there’s more than one different chicken.

Yes, you read that right! There are actually seven different chickens. Take another look and see if you can find all of them.

The Answer

Did you manage to solve the puzzle, or are you ready for the big reveal?

Watch the video below to see which chickens are different.

Source: BRiddles – YouTube

If you’d like to examine each difference more closely, we’ve provided images of each unique chicken below for you to study.


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If you spotted all the differences, you’re definitely a sharp-eyed detective—well done!