Maria Kokhno, a young woman who gained popularity on the hit reality show House – 2, once faced a severe health crisis when her weight plummeted to a dangerously low 28 kilograms.
Her dramatic weight loss began after a difficult divorce, which left her deeply stressed and unable to maintain a healthy diet. The emotional turmoil took a heavy toll on her physical well-being.
Fortunately, caring individuals stepped in to help Maria. They connected her with a psychologist and a nutritionist, who played crucial roles in her recovery. With their support, Maria regained her health and achieved a healthier body weight. Although still slim, she is no longer at risk from extreme undernourishment.
Today, Maria uses her experiences to help other women struggling with weight-related challenges. She is dedicated to guiding those battling anorexia, empowering them to recover and live fulfilling lives.
What are your thoughts on her inspiring journey?