Kiwi, Peanut, or Coco – with these tips and tricks, you can teach a dog his name. If done correctly, he’ll respond to it in just a few days.
After the new family member has moved in, there’s a lot to learn. Foremost among them is the name of the four-legged friend. It is crucial for communicating with the dog and can later be the foundation for recall training.
Despite its importance, name training should be approached slowly.
Puppies, in particular, are often very playful and may not concentrate as long as older dogs. Pay attention to the signals of your furry friend and adjust the training to their capacities.
Every dog is unique, so there’s no need for frustration if a dog initially loses interest relatively quickly. Practice makes perfect, as with each training session, the dog’s attention span also increases.
iHugDogs explains how to teach a dog his name and what to avoid.
How a Dog Learns His Name in 5 Steps
- Step 1: Stand or kneel with a treat in your hand in front of your dog. Now say his name aloud and reward him immediately afterward.
- Step 2: Wait until he’s not looking at you, then say his name. If he looks at you, reward him.
- Step 3: Move a few steps away from your dog and say his name. If he comes to you, reward him.
- Step 4: To increase the difficulty, wait until your dog is distracted before calling his name. If he responds, reward him.
- Step 5: If the name training has been successful up to this step, you can continue it in a more stimulating environment, such as the garden or an empty field.
Repeat each step several times.
Don’t repeat the dog’s name too often without a reaction; otherwise, he will eventually tune out the sound.

Tips & Tricks for Name Training in Dogs
- Tip 1: Practicing the name requires many repetitions and time. During training, use high-quality treats or regular dry food to avoid turning the training into an unhealthy snack session.
- Tip 2: From step three onward, consider using a long lead. If the dog doesn’t respond, you can gently pull on it to regain his attention.
- Tip 3: Regularly repeat the name training and incorporate it into daily routines.
- Tip 4: If the dog isn’t motivated by treats, try rewarding him with a shared playtime instead.
By following these tips and remaining patient, you can teach a dog his name, laying the foundation for effective communication.
The Dog’s Name Is the Most Important Command
Name training is a crucial building block for further exercises. When a dog understands his name, it becomes easier to capture his attention, and you can proceed with other commands.
However, keep in mind that every dog learns at his own pace. If a furry friend takes a bit longer, it’s not unusual. Patience is key, especially with puppies.