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They told my wife, You Are Not Pretty Enough to Work Here, I had to do something about it

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A Tale of Resilience and Justice

My wife, Emma, has always had a spark in her eye when it comes to retail. Recently, she thought working in that field might be the perfect fit for her. She was excited, dreaming of finding a job that matched her interests.

One sunny afternoon, while strolling through the shopping center, Emma noticed a poster outside a famous lingerie store that said they were hiring. Her heart raced with excitement as she walked inside, eager to ask about the job.

But as soon as she approached the sales assistant, a woman named Sophia, things took a turn. Sophia barely glanced at Emma until she stood right in front of her. With a sneer, she sized Emma up and delivered a hurtful blow: “Look, I don’t think you’re pretty enough for this job. No chance. Don’t even bother.”

Emma came home that day crushed. Seeing her so heartbroken broke my heart too. But once the sadness faded, a fire ignited within me. How dare someone treat my wife like that? I couldn’t let this humiliation go unpunished. I had to take action—no one messes with Emma!

Planning the Perfect Revenge

A few days later, I marched back to the lingerie store, determined to confront Sophia. I made sure she was working that day. I dressed sharply, radiating confidence and success. When I stepped inside, Sophia greeted me with a completely different attitude, her fake smile bright and cheerful.

“Good afternoon, sir! How can I help you today?” she chirped, her voice overly sweet.

I returned her smile and said, “I’m looking for a special gift for my wife.” Eager to make a sale, Sophia quickly started showing me various items, her friendly demeanor a stark contrast to how she had treated Emma. I listened to her pitch, asked about quality and materials, and kept my anger under control.

After about half an hour of this charade, it was time to reveal the truth. “You know,” I said casually, “my wife came here the other day. She wanted to apply for a job.”

Sophia’s face briefly showed recognition, but she quickly masked it. “Oh, really? That’s great!” she replied, forcing a smile.

“Yes,” I continued, “but she was really upset when she got home. Apparently, someone told her she wasn’t ‘pretty enough’ to work here.”

I watched as Sophia’s face drained of color. She stammered, “Oh, um, I’m not sure who said that… we have very high standards, you see.”

“High standards?” I raised an eyebrow. “Or just shallow ones?”

Sophia looked increasingly uncomfortable, her eyes darting around as if searching for an escape. But I wasn’t done yet. “My wife is beautiful inside and out, and she didn’t deserve to be treated that way. I want to speak to your manager.”

Sweet Justice

Moments later, a well-dressed woman named Lisa, the manager, arrived. She looked serious as I recounted the whole story, emphasizing how deeply Sophia’s words had affected Emma. Lisa’s expression turned sympathetic. “I’m so sorry to hear this,” she said sincerely. “We do not tolerate such behavior in our store. Sophia, please step into my office.”

Sophia’s face flushed bright red as she followed Lisa to the back office. I waited patiently, knowing justice was being served. After a few minutes, Lisa returned, looking much more relaxed. “I apologize for what happened. We would love for Emma to reapply. We’ll ensure she gets a fair and respectful interview,” Lisa promised.

The Aftermath

When I got home, I couldn’t wait to share the news with Emma. At first, she hesitated, still hurt by the earlier experience, but I encouraged her to give it another chance. After some gentle persuasion, she agreed.

A week later, Emma returned to the store for her interview. This time, she was welcomed with open arms by Lisa and the staff. And guess what? Sophia was nowhere to be seen. Emma got the job, and I made sure to visit her often, always beaming with pride.

Emma thrived in her new role, her confidence growing each day. As for Sophia, she was transferred to a different branch far from where we lived. Justice had been served, and now Emma and I often laugh about the whole incident, grateful for the strength it brought us.

No one would ever make her feel unworthy again—and I’d always be there to stand by her side and make sure of that!

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