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Twins Take Neighbors’ Dogs for a Walk – But Things Go Wrong

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Identical twins Brooke and Briella love dogs. Since they don’t have a dog of their own, they offer to walk their neighbors’ dogs.

They get to walk three dogs, each with its own quirks. To share their experiences, the girls filmed this adventure.

Gretel Wants Her Hansel

First up, Brooke and Briella are supposed to walk Gretel, a female pug. But it seems she doesn’t feel very comfortable without her “brother” Hansel.

After just a few steps, she stops. So the twins also bring along Hansel, who obediently goes for a walk as well. However, Gretel still doesn’t seem interested in walking.

Source: TheDodo – YouTube

It looks like Gretel would much rather be carried around. Since she’s only taken a few steps, it’s a challenging start for the twins.

Pumpkin and Judy Are Different

Next is Pumpkin, the dog. The twins don’t need to encourage him to walk; they have to slow him down instead.

Pumpkin enjoys walking a lot. He keeps the girls on their toes and won’t be held back. Even when they return him, he still has plenty of energy left.

Source: TheDodo – YouTube

Lastly, it’s Judy’s turn. She walks nicely with the girls, but they have to stop multiple times as Judy takes potty breaks. She seems to do that frequently.

Source: TheDodo – YouTube

Overall, the twins seem to have a lot of fun walking the dogs. And the viewers are also impressed with their dedication.

“So sweet, what a great job for very nice and patient teenagers!”

writes @soonverysoon382.

Click here now to see for yourself what the twins experienced during their walks.

Source: TheDodo – YouTube

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