The two dogs in this video are found in an environment strongly resembling a junkyard, with no owner in sight. Additionally, both dogs are in poor health.
Fortunately, they are discovered by compassionate individuals.
An Urgent Rescue
As soon as the rescuers enter the property, they are greeted by a large mastiff. The dog is emaciated and has only one healthy eye.

Despite the dire circumstances, the dog behaves friendly and approaches the rescuers trustingly.
As the group walks further into the property, they see another large dog unable to walk due to a leg injury.

Without hesitation, both dogs are loaded into a car and taken to a veterinary clinic. The owner is contacted because the dogs are microchipped.
Owner Willingly Surrenders Dogs
During the phone call with the previous owner, it is revealed that both dogs were used for breeding.
Due to a fire and several other circumstances, the owner willingly gives up the animals.

In a foster home, the dogs gradually begin to flourish.
The injured leg of one dog heals remarkably, while the eye of the other dog will be permanently damaged.

Nevertheless, both dogs are finally living the loving and relaxed life they deserve. They are both awaiting adoption and a forever family.
Between Shock and Admiration
Viewers of the YouTube video are shocked that someone could abandon their pets like this.
At the same time, they are pleased about the loving rescue of the animals and how much better they are doing now. User jessicamartionsson2052 writes:
“I could never imagine what these dogs have been through, but I am so happy they now have a wonderful life together!”
Viewer CindyRink also expresses joy about the rescue of the two large dogs and comments:
“It’s unfathomable that people could do this to their own animals and let them suffer alone. Thank you for saving these sweet dogs.”
Would you like to see the rescue of these gentle dogs? Then, take a look at the video!