Are you curious about bully sticks for dogs? In this article, I’ll explain everything you need to know about them.
What is a Bully Stick?
Bully sticks, made from dried beef penis, are popular chew treats that can be enjoyed by all dogs. A bully stick is the dried skin of a beef penis.
To make them edible, the skin is cleaned and then stretched. During the stretching process, it is sometimes twisted to achieve a firmer texture. Afterwards, it is dried. The result is long strips that are quite hard. Your dog can chew on them for a long time before consuming them.
Bully sticks have a very strong odor and are usually offered in lengths of 80 to 100 cm (31 to 39 inches).
The color varies between dark brown and black. Bully sticks can also be purchased in convenient pieces at pet stores or online.
Bully sticks are difficult to cut on your own, so buying pre-cut pieces is a good idea for dog owners.
Important for Nutrition?
Bully sticks are not only popular as chew treats but also serve as toys. This is due to their excellent texture, as they are very hard and take a long time to chew through.
At the same time, they also serve as stress relief and can even help alleviate frustration. Your dog can spend hours with the bully stick without thinking about anything else. To feel successful, your dog must spend a lot of time engaging with the bully stick. He can nibble off smaller pieces repeatedly, but it takes time.
As Dental Cleaning:
Bully sticks are also perfect for dental cleaning, as they have good hardness and toughness. It’s difficult to brush a dog’s teeth, but it’s not necessary.
While chewing, the dog scrapes off tartar and the gums receive good circulation. Another positive effect is the strengthening of the jaw muscles.
As an Alternative to Other Chew Items:
Every dog has a natural urge to chew. This releases endorphins, or happiness hormones, making the dog happy and content. If he doesn’t get snacks he can use for chewing, he will satisfy his need with other objects.
It’s obvious: bully sticks are a very good alternative to shoes, clothing, or furniture 😉
Buying Bully Sticks
What You Should Know Beforehand:

When it comes to purchasing, there isn’t much to consider. Of course, you should buy bully sticks from a trusted seller. However, what matters is the quality. After all, bully sticks are made from meat, and the meat should have good basic quality.
A good bully stick is heavy and sturdy. You can recognize a poor quality stick by its thinness and how easily it bends. Additionally, you can also identify a good bully stick by its smell. It has a very strong odor that many people find unpleasant. However, dogs are quite thrilled by this smell.
When buying, make sure the smell isn’t too intense, as overly strong odor could indicate that the bully sticks have become damp and are no longer good.
It’s also worth taking a look at the origin of the meat. For a good snack, ethically sourced meat from organic farming is ideal. With this meat, you can be sure that no chemical or artificial additives have been processed. Additionally, there are no environmental toxins or antibiotics present.
Is it better to buy in large or smaller quantities?
Dried meat, including bully sticks, is typically very long-lasting. For this reason, it’s advisable to buy in bulk and store them.
Especially with larger quantities, you can save a lot of money through online shopping. This starts with shipping costs and often ends with larger quantities being cheaper than small packages.
How to store them best?
For storage, it’s important that the bully sticks are airtight. If too much air comes into contact with the bully sticks, they can become damp. Damp bully sticks spoil quickly and must be disposed of.
Ideal are freezer bags equipped with a special zip closure. The bully sticks can be filled into convenient shapes, the air can be easily pressed out, and then sealed. This way, the bully sticks remain long-lasting and can be taken out as needed.
What to Consider When Feeding

Bully sticks consist of approximately 80% protein. So, when chewing, the dog consumes a large amount of protein. An excessive dose can lead to kidney damage in a dog.
For this reason, only two to three bully sticks should be offered per week. The size of the bully stick should be considered based on the size of the dog.
A small terrier can handle a size of 10cm (4 inches) optimally. A German Shepherd needs at least double the length. For daily chewing sessions, variety is key. There are also turkey necks or pig ears, which are also offered as chew treats.
Suitable for all dogs?
Bully sticks can be consumed by all dogs. They are particularly low in calories and are therefore suitable for overweight dogs.
Dogs on a diet do not have to forego a snack. There are hardly any fats in bully sticks, making them a perfect reward. An adult should always be present during feeding.
Suitable for seniors?
Bully sticks are less suitable for older dogs. In advanced age, a dog’s teeth are usually quite loose. Bully sticks need to be chewed on well with the teeth, and with older dogs, there is a risk of them biting their teeth while chewing. However, there are some snacks that are much softer and therefore suitable for seniors.
Caution when feeding:
Bully sticks are very tough, and large pieces can break off while chewing. Swallowing a large piece can lead to dangerous injuries in the mouth or lungs. There is also a risk of the piece getting stuck, leading to choking.
Feeding indoors:
Indoors, bully sticks should only be given on a washable surface. During chewing, the dog’s saliva will flow and freely get onto the surface.
If the saliva, combined with the smell of the bully stick, gets onto a carpet, it can be difficult to remove. Tiles are ideal, as they can be easily wiped after the bully stick has been enjoyed. Laminate can also be used.
Bully sticks are beef penises that cannot be sold in their fresh state. The United States food law is clear on this, stating that they must be utilized.
My recommendation
Bully sticks are a true delight for all dogs with healthy and strong teeth. They are a perfect snack as they are healthy and low in calories.
Additionally, chewing cleans the teeth, and the dog’s chewing needs are reduced. Furthermore, a bully stick is perfect for relieving stress and keeping busy for hours.
If you’re not sure whether bully sticks are really the right choice for your dog, check out our article on the 15 best chew treats for dogs.