Cranberries are considered superfoods – but what about for dogs? Find out what you should consider when feeding cranberries and why they are so healthy.
Can Dogs Eat Cranberries?
They are small, round, and a bite in your mouth – cranberries have been popular superfoods for years. Dried, they have a tart-sweet taste and are the ideal snack for in-between. But what about for your dog? Absolutely! Your four-legged friend can eat cranberries if they enjoy them.
Why Are Cranberries So Healthy?
But why are cranberries actually so super healthy? After all, fruits like mango or banana are known to contain a fair amount of fruit sugar. That’s true, although the sugar content in cranberries is comparatively very low.

Instead, the small red berries are real vitamin C boosters, supporting strong bone and joint health. They are also known for their positive effects on bladder and urinary tract health and can aid in the healing process of inflammations. The high content of secondary plant compounds and antioxidants can also positively impact the immune system. Some scientists even claim that consuming cranberries can be preventive against cancer.
So, as you can see, these little berries pack a punch! That’s why we don’t want to miss out on the healthy nutrients of cranberries and use them as an ingredient in our tasty “Vitamin Bites” with beef and in our “Vitamin Sticks” with lamb. For the extra dose of vitamins during snacking!
How Do I Feed Cranberries to My Dog?
In principle, your dog can eat cranberries in various forms: raw, dried, as a whole berry, juice, or powder. Always in organic quality and without sugar or other additives. Based on experience, most dogs reject raw cranberries because they are very sour. In dried form, they taste somewhat sweeter and are more palatable to most furry friends.
If you want to supplement cranberries for healing support, juices and extracts in the form of powders are available. However, you should consult with veterinarians or nutrition experts before independently supplementing your dog’s diet with these.
The probably easiest way to feed cranberries is if they are already included in your dog’s complete food. Manufacturers often add cranberries to the food as vitamin suppliers due to their healthy properties – such as in our dry food “Green Insect Extra Protein” with amaranth, parsnip, and cranberry. Wait a minute – plant-based dog food? Yes! With Pets Deli GREEN, you can provide your dog with a fully nutritious and tasty diet, including vegan or vegetarian options, actively contributing to the environment and reducing your dog’s carbon pawprint.
Can Cranberries Be Toxic to Dogs?
Normally, cranberries are considered safe for dogs, but as with everything, the dose makes the poison – or at least the diarrhea. Due to the high acidity, you should only feed a few of the small berries; otherwise, it may lead to abdominal pain and gastrointestinal problems.
Additionally, you should consult your veterinarian if your dog has urinary tract issues or suffers from urinary stones. This is because the oxalate in cranberries can promote the formation of urinary stones.