Honey is a delicious addition to our tea or bread, but can dogs eat honey, and what should be considered when feeding it?
Is Honey Allowed or Toxic for Dogs?
Honey, Honey! Whether in tea, on bread, or as a natural remedy for a cold: honey has been a staple in households for millennia and is commonly known as the “food of the gods.” This raises the question of whether the creamy delight is also allowed for dogs. After all, there are treats for us bipeds that are toxic to our quadrupeds. So, what about honey? Can I feed honey to my dog? Yes, dogs can eat honey, but due to its high calorie and sugar content, there are some things to consider.
Why is Honey Healthy for Dogs?
In the right amount, honey can bring several benefits to your four-legged friend. It contains anti-inflammatory enzymes and plenty of antioxidants that are supposed to support and protect the immune system. Honey can also provide supportive relief for coughs, wounds, and digestive issues. However, it has not been scientifically proven that every type of honey actually has a healing effect. A closer look at the different types of honey is essential.
How to Feed Honey to My Dog?
Honey has a very high sugar and calorie content and should only be fed in minimal amounts. A cold or other illness may be a reason to occasionally mix half a teaspoon of honey into your pet’s food or let them lick a drop off your finger. However, this sweet indulgence should not regularly end up in the bowl, as it can lead to dental problems and overweight.

Honey for Puppies: Why Young Dogs Should Not Eat Honey
You may have heard the rule that infants and babies should not eat honey. The reason is the potentially present bacterium Clostridium botulinum, for which a young growing body does not yet have sufficient defenses and can be transmitted through honey. The same applies to a weakened senior whose immune system is no longer functioning perfectly. However, for adult, healthy dogs, this is not a problem.
Especially when your clumsy puppy is still growing, they need a healthy diet that provides them with enough proteins and nutrients. In appropriate puppy nutrition, there is no room for experiments – only fresh meat, crisp fruits and vegetables, easily digestible herbs, and rich oils go into the bowl!
Which Honey is Suitable for Dogs?
To harness the benefits of honey for your furry friend, you should not opt for the cheapest supermarket honey. A trip to the beekeeper or organic store is worthwhile, and you should look out for so-called Manuka honey, which comes from Australia and New Zealand. Its antibacterial properties are particularly well-developed, and a reduction in pathogens has also been demonstrated in various infections in the laboratory.
Your four-legged friend will surely appreciate a drop of this tasty treat on special occasions. However, we recommend that, as part of healthy dog nutrition, you stick to high-quality food and species-appropriate snacks, as they provide your furry friend with everything they need. A bite of carrots, broccoli, celery, or pumpkin, properly prepared, is also ideal for your four-legged friend, low in fat, and rich in healthy vitamins!