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Can Dogs Eat Bananas?

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Bananas are a good addition to dog food and are usually well-received by our four-legged friends. However, too many of these tropical fruits can lead to overweight issues. Additionally, some other substances in bananas should be consumed in moderation. If you want to feed your dog bananas, it’s advisable to offer them as a special treat in small portions.

Why do dogs like bananas?

Unlike cats, dogs, like humans, enjoy sweets. Therefore, they usually like the sugary taste of bananas. Fortunately, dogs generally tolerate these fruits well. Due to their valuable nutrients, bananas are also a valuable addition to the usual dog food. You can offer banana slices to your four-legged friend as a snack.

Advantages of these tropical fruits

Bananas provide a comprehensive package of nutrients for your dog: they contain a lot of starch, fruit sugar, and grape sugar. This makes them an excellent source of energy and should only be offered in small quantities. They also contain magnesium and potassium, which have positive effects on muscles, heart, and nerves. Calcium strengthens bones and teeth, while zinc and iron support blood formation. Furthermore, the fruit flesh contains serotonin, which, along with other neurotransmitters, has a balancing effect on your pet’s mood.

What happens if dogs eat too many bananas?

In general, bananas are a good thing. However, the amount your dog consumes matters. If he regularly gets large portions, this can lead to obesity.

Moreover, bananas are binding due to the fiber pectin they contain. Excessive consumption can lead to constipation.

Finally, the high potassium content in the fruits can often lead to an oversupply of this electrolyte, which can eventually affect the heart. If your dog already has heart problems, it’s best for him not to eat bananas at all.

How many bananas can dogs eat?

If you want to offer your dog a piece of banana as a snack, the fruits should preferably be ripe. This reduces the amount of binding pectin they contain. Additionally, the fruit’s starch content is lower when it’s ripe.

The portion size depends on the size of your four-legged friend:

  • Large dogs get half a banana,
  • medium-sized dogs get a quarter,
  • small breeds get only a small piece.

The question remains: how often can dogs eat bananas? Due to their high energy and sugar content, you should treat bananas as a tasty exception. Offering a small portion every two to three days with dry and/or wet food or as a snack on the go is sufficient.

Can puppies eat bananas?

For puppies, the same sparing dosage applies as for small dogs. An occasional small slice or piece is okay. The portion size also depends on the size and weight of the animal.

Bananas help with diarrhea

If your dog is suffering from diarrhea, make an exception and feed him a bit more banana. This easily digestible fruit regulates bowel movements and provides additional energy to the sick animal.

This gentle diet can be supplemented with:

  • boiled carrots
  • softly cooked rice
  • steamed chicken
  • lean cottage cheese

If the stool does not solidify within two to three days or if your dog’s condition worsens, you should immediately visit your veterinarian.

Puppies always need veterinary care for more severe cases of diarrhea, as they have even fewer defenses and can quickly become dehydrated due to fluid loss.

How to feed bananas

Are you looking for variety when feeding your dog bananas? Here are some interesting ideas for incorporating bananas into dog food—how about these suggestions?

  • Cut the banana into small pieces and mix it with dog food.
  • Combine banana chunks with cottage cheese or yogurt.
  • Bake dog biscuits from bananas and oatmeal.
  • Freeze banana puree and serve it as dog ice cream on hot days.

Is banana peel toxic to dogs?

Dogs are allowed to eat bananas in small quantities. But what about the peel? If your four-legged friend has stolen and consumed the peel, there is generally no cause for concern. The peel of the fruit is non-toxic. However, it is usually covered with pesticides and other chemicals, as banana plants are often treated with pest control agents. Therefore, you should avoid your dog regularly eating banana peels.

Moreover, the peel is quite hard and may cause digestive problems.

Symptoms of this may include:

  • abdominal pain and a bloated stomach
  • reluctance to move or restlessness
  • diarrhea or constipation
  • vomiting and loss of appetite

In this case, you should seek veterinary advice to rule out more serious complications such as intestinal obstruction.

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